Seduction: In Your Face or Subltle
Prettylittlepest said:
Do you think all sexually aggresive woman come off as slutty?
Seduction: In Your Face or Subtle?
I am not sure what you mean by sexually aggresive.
From my experience:
Girls who compliment me on my body are a turn off generally. This happens in the summer. I do not wear a shirt outside in the summer.
Its usually a (5 or 6 at tops) something like:
I hear a whistle. A couple more and I look:
"You have awesome body"
Its like thanks.
When a chick does that, she kind of lowers herself a little bit (but again she is invariably a white trash type of girl who does this).
When a girl flashed me when I was walking down the street, that was good (but her breasts were good but not like great though). If they were like Gisell Bundchen or Caprice Bourette, it would be a diffferent story. What happened was after work, I took off my shirt and a couple of girls saw me do that and honked their horn as they drove by me and a girl on the passenger side went halfway out of the car window and flashed me. It was like, you showed me your upper body (i.e. I flashed her and evidently mad her happy) and she likewise showed me her upper body and made me happy. It was cool and fun but not the but somewhat "slutty" and not a total turnon (she was also only around a 7 or 8 not a 9 or 10 which I like). I like sophisticated, hot women.
A Maud Adams on the street and a Giselle Bundchen in bed.
Stuck up girls are a better turn on. Whereas a girl who compliments me too readily w/o turning me on, i.e. seducing me, does'nt work.
I like when a girl seduces me (I seduce her as well, its the best, win/win); wearing a tight sweater, with skin tight jeans. Yo. Or wears a special shirt.
For example. At work, I had a picture of Karen Mulder in my cubicle (at my old job) where she was wearing a leopard type of scarf. The hottest girl at work later, imitated her. She walked by me showing me a profile of her face so she looked like Karen as well as putting her hair in a pony tail like Karen which she never did before. Yo that was hot and turned me ON. Then days later, she wore a tight ass leopard shirt that was......................(I talk out loud) and no shit said right around 20 people "damn she has some nice tits. I fd up because she heard me say it.
This kind of sexual aggressiveness is awesome. Yo.
It has been all good from that point on........
In summary:
There are different kinds of sexual aggressiveness. Seductive and subtle or in your face slutty (which is only good when a girl is a 9, 10 or an 8 with a perfect body).
Subtle seduction, psychology, physical, the evocation of the 5 senses via seduction. Yo, that is the:
Raison de Etate of Existence.
Seduction is like Stripping Off Your Clothes GRADUALLY over time.