...recently over break i met a girl and we both like each other a lot. she is really hot and obviously do-able but she told me shes a virgin. i went out with her a few times and started really liking her though, and now ive moved back to school and feel kinda sick bein away from her even though we only hung out a few days. she was even cryin when i had to leave. i just dont know what i should do. shes an amazing person and said she wants a long distance thing to happen and will wait for me to be out of school in may. im 22 and shes only 19 and i have other girls that i could always call up for a random hookup but im really likin her and want to wait for her too. i guess what im askin is does anyone have experience with long distance relationships? im willing not to fuck around while im up here with anyone else and she swears she only wants me and for some reason i trust her. should i break this off and stay single or try this? or is it a waste of time? any opinions welcome im just kinda stuck on what to do so advice from people with more experience on this shit would be appreciated.