Well, you folks aren't going to be thrilled to hear this.
I have hardly worked out at all in the past 4-6 weeks.
In my defense, I did something to my shoulder and had to cut out arm work while it healed -- don't ask me what I did, I don't even know, but it feels better now -- and then some strange thing happened with one knee that also got better. I have also had a killer bout of insomnia for, like, the past month. There is nothing to make a workout look completely undoable when you haven't slept but 5 hours for days on end, and your workdays keep running over into 10 and 11 hours long.
Thank God for melatonin!! My sweetie suggested 3mg an hour before bed each night and it really does work!! Since I have been getting enough sleep, it is so much easier to get back to the gym.
I certainly haven't improved on anything these last few weeks, but it is heartening to see that I haven't backslid that far, either. In no time I expect to be back where I was at, and then go from there.
I also went for my second look ultrasound, and heard that my right ovarian cyst is GONE, and my left one, the endometriosis one, actually got smaller! Now that is good news. I haven't had any endo symptoms since the middle of June. Was it the exercise? The Mannatech?? I don't know. Go figure!
The other bright point is that my diet has gotten better. I do still eat junk, but I am eating a lot more fruits and veggies, plus calcuim food like low fat cheese and yogurt. I also notice that after working on not putting all this emphasis on food rules for a while, I eat less. I am not cramming down whole plates of food before where I would have cleaned my plate at a restaurant. And I have noticed that I can't eat hardly any sweets anymore -- they are actually making me sick!
If I can just get the diet and the exercise in place AT THE SAME TIME, maybe I could get somewhere ...
Anyway, how are you?? I know you talked about coming here in August, and then I was offline and couldn't post here anymore. I felt bad about that. Did you end up coming to Richmond?