I got a kick out of this, AAP. I don't really read the chat/conv board, but I think I am gonna start. I started training in '93 when I was 13, so of course i have read my share of FLEX magazines, I stopped buying them when I got to college and learned how to train for real, but I still have to read them at Barnes and Noble or the grocery store or anyplace I spot one, kind of like entertainment.
You're right on the money about that butt plug, Chris Lund. I don't want to look at some guy in cut-off daisy dukes, combat boots, and a cut off flannel shirt, and I know money and a photo shoot are nice to have a a bodybuilder, but these guys should start a union or something where they don't have to be dressed like gay escorts just to get a photo shoot. My girlfriend was looking at it with me and she saw Chris Cook (this may have been Muscle Mag)and she said he is a good-looking guy and well-built, but it turned her off because he looked gay, I said I felt sorry for the dude having to dress like that, it isn't even that they dress these guys gay, they dress them like douche bags.