April 27 Diet
Breakfast: 10:00 AM Tuna and Bannana
Post Workout: 12:00 PM Protein Shake
Lunch: 1:30 PM Chicken Fetuccini - Large Plate
Snack: 2:30 PM Cashews
Snack: 4:30 PM Wheat Thins
Dinner: 7:00 PM Chicken w/ cheese and Ham on top, Medium serving of steamed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, squash, something that looked like green squash)
Snack: 9:00 PM Large Salad
Pre - Sleep: 10:00 PM Protein Shake
Edit: Weird Day, today was senior skip day, so I didn't wake up when I normally do, and my diet wasn't structured around my school like it normally is throughout the week, I think I didn't do to bad though, I know it is easy on a day off from work and school when your routine is thrown off to eat and drink unhealthy, I just used this day to workout, eat as right as I could, and rest, now I'm studying for some major tests and exams I've got coming up soon.