I agree.....I never listened to my instincts in the past which in turn, got me into really bad relationships. I've been HAPPILY single over a year and finally feel at peace. Im using this time to discover who I really am in order to know who I will allow and not allow in my life. Been wild !
Yea, sometimes I ignore my intuition regarding some people because I want to give them a chance to prove me wrong, and kind of end up getting burned as suspected. Optimism has its downsides, so its good to have a strong sense of self so one doesn't become jaded.
I find the best times in life for self reflection, re-evaluations, and overall personal growth is when single. Its cherished moments, so good luck on your journey and just enjoy life.
I find the best times in life for self reflection, re-evaluations, and overall personal growth is when single. Its cherished moments, so good luck on your journey and just enjoy life.