yeah, some college chick from NJ, weighed about 100lbs. she didn't eat for 2 days before hand and managed to polish off the burger in 2 hours 51 minutes.
i had 3 beers before hand and we had some mozzerela sticks an hour and a half before we got our burgers. i knew i wasn't giong to eat it all, i just wanted to say i tried.
only 1 other showed. i was kinda ticked because there were supposed to be 10 or 12 of us total. i had a sign on top of the paper towel holder that you could see from across the damn resteraunt. the guy that showed was 45 minutes late. he had about a 2 hour drive, and it took us 1 hour 40 minutes each way.
it was cool though. me and my gf were having a nice night and then the other dude showed up and hilarity ensued with picture taking and what not. he was a pretty cool dude. still waiting to find out what happened to the other people, and we're going to pass their "excuses" along to one of the prick moderators and see if we can get them temp bans for being dickheads