Im 6ft and weigh 150lbs, 30 years old I new to this but im want to gain some weight and put on some muscle, can anyone tell me what kinda of foods I should eat and what kind I shouldnt eat, and how often, What about weight lifting, what should I do there, and what kinda of supplements or gear should I take, thanks for any help.
NO gear for you until you get alot of experience/knowledge/understanding under your belt.
PROTEIN--- Chicken, fish,steak,eggs,tuna, whey protein shake
Carbs-- pasta, white/brown rice, yams/baked potatoes, oatmeal, wheat bread, all green vegetables
Fats--- omega 3,6,9 , efa, nattyPB, nuts, cottage cheese, flax oil, oliveoil
Fruits-- All are good(for nutritional purposes) but may need to limit depending if your cutting/bulking.
These are examples of nutrients i will eat. Most for cutting/all for bulking. Any thing high on glycemic idex not good. Starchy foods not ideal, but i still eat potatoes when bulking. No fried or processed foods, and stay the hell away from FAST FOOD.
Eat every 2-3 hours. Reasons--- Keeps your metabolism going, keeps you from going catabolic(muscle loss)
Training--- whats your experience?IF any, in yrs???
Supps--- dont waste your time. If your diet,training, and recovery arent in check supplements will do nothing.
Overall-- you need to do more research. These questions could easily be found by researching it. When you do get a good idea of a diet, formulate it, and post it and we will critique. Do this with your workout routine as well. It sounds like you need to go to a gym and ask a trainer's advice in a one on one setting. May be more beneficial.
If anyone says you need to get on gear, Bro, there either idiots or their trying to make money off you. Forget about it!!!!!!!!!