Hi Guys,
I have been doing some research on this site and others, I have also been private messaging some experienced users. After all this I have finally decided on the following cycle which I will be starting on the 17th of this month.
Just a bit about me I am a semi pro rugby player and I am 23 years old. I have been training solidly since I was around 16, I train well and have a good diet and have consistently increased my weight, strength and muscle def over the years I have run one cycle previously, an anavar only cycle which I ran for 6 weeks with good results.
I am currently 5'10, 220lbs and around the 17% bf mark.
My current PBs are:
Dead lift - 465lbs x 5reps
Weighted Pull ups - +40lbs x 7 reps
Bench Press - 290lbs x 5 reps
Standing Military Press - 168lbs x 6 reps
Squat - 400lbs x 4reps
For my 2nd cycle I am going to run the following:
Weeks 1-8 - 100mg anavar ED
Weeks 1-8 - 150mg test prop EOD
Weeks 1-8 - N2Guard 7caps ED
Weeks 4-13 - HCGenerate 5caps ED
Weeks 9-10 - 500iu hcg Pregnyl ED for 10 days
Weeks 9-13 - 50mg Clomid ED
My goals for this cycle are:
1. Gain 5-10lbs overall
2. Lose 5% bodyfat (meaning I would have to lose around 20lbs bf, and gain 25-30lbs muscle, possible?)
3. Increse strength
4. Increase explosive power and speed
5. Increase Muscular endurance.
These are my goals and I will be logging my thoughts, feelings, improvements and any sides that I may encounter over the 8 weeks of my cycle.
Any thoughts, advice questions please post and I will reply to you as soon as possible.
Happy new year all and thanks in advance
I have been doing some research on this site and others, I have also been private messaging some experienced users. After all this I have finally decided on the following cycle which I will be starting on the 17th of this month.
Just a bit about me I am a semi pro rugby player and I am 23 years old. I have been training solidly since I was around 16, I train well and have a good diet and have consistently increased my weight, strength and muscle def over the years I have run one cycle previously, an anavar only cycle which I ran for 6 weeks with good results.
I am currently 5'10, 220lbs and around the 17% bf mark.
My current PBs are:
Dead lift - 465lbs x 5reps
Weighted Pull ups - +40lbs x 7 reps
Bench Press - 290lbs x 5 reps
Standing Military Press - 168lbs x 6 reps
Squat - 400lbs x 4reps
For my 2nd cycle I am going to run the following:
Weeks 1-8 - 100mg anavar ED
Weeks 1-8 - 150mg test prop EOD
Weeks 1-8 - N2Guard 7caps ED
Weeks 4-13 - HCGenerate 5caps ED
Weeks 9-10 - 500iu hcg Pregnyl ED for 10 days
Weeks 9-13 - 50mg Clomid ED
My goals for this cycle are:
1. Gain 5-10lbs overall
2. Lose 5% bodyfat (meaning I would have to lose around 20lbs bf, and gain 25-30lbs muscle, possible?)
3. Increse strength
4. Increase explosive power and speed
5. Increase Muscular endurance.
These are my goals and I will be logging my thoughts, feelings, improvements and any sides that I may encounter over the 8 weeks of my cycle.
Any thoughts, advice questions please post and I will reply to you as soon as possible.
Happy new year all and thanks in advance