I can't award it to myself
and there's no "claim" to be done
it's loaded as a karma award and I pick a post to award the karma to
lestat has 8 million minimum in bonds (he showed his stash for a brief 2-3 day period once)
so I suspect he'll return at some point
usually when someone leaves in a fit they do something with their kay before splitting the scene
I'll award the kay to the second death and if lestat returns and bellyaches then I'll compensate him as well
I posted this year's pool in the bookie forum intentionally as I primarily intended it to be a bookie forum regulars only "contest"
but lestat managed to locate it and made a selection and I didn't specifically indicate it was "bookie forum only"
which I wasn't going to do...I just figured by locating it here it would for the most part be limited to book peeps