if i drink 4 shakes per day that would be 200grams per day from shakes alone, plus food that would be over 300grams of protein per day while on deca cycle i'm 165lbs would it be ok to drink 4 shakes per day? thks luke
I think it would be just fine. I get about 200-250 grmas of Protein fro shakes and MRP's plus about another 150-200 from solid foods and get good results
From my personal experiences,I get alot more mass from eating solid foods rather than drinking a bunch of shakes all day.It is more of a hassle to eat all solid foods all day but it is well worth it,atleast for me it is.
IMO that's a waste of money. 250G of protein would be more than enough for your bodyweight. MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER. I'm 270 and I don't get 300g's of protein- but that's just me. Try low and then go high if the results are lacking.
stick to real food and forget those shakes, 1 a day is OK but 4???. Eat chicken, beef,tuna, and cottage chesse and if you want to drink something, drink milk milk is cheap, lots of Protein and tastes wonderfull
mrp are by no means a meal replacement;these are all supps and should be used in moderation to supplement your diet...in other words,they should be added on top of your 5-6 meals per day.i used to rely on protein shakes and mrp's to the point that that was all i would eat and then realized that i could not digest whole food.they tend to bloat me up as well...ever since i changed to whole food and a protein/carb shake post workout...my appearance and results a million x better.fyi...
oh yeah...the moral to the story...FORCE YOURSELF TO EAT WHOLE FOODS...