New member
USC played one good series and that was the last drive and yes Barkley is ass but Pryor was even more of a choke artist. Big ups to Joey Mcnight he was gettin railed all game and single handedly just blew it up that 4th quarter
My thoughts on Tressel:
Put simply, he's a pussy. He never goes for it. He always makes the conservative decision. USC went for it on 4th and short how many times? And they got it every time I believe. Pryor is the biggest fastest QB in the nation and OSU doesn't have one gauranteed shotgun draw/rollout to get 3-5 minimum? On the goal line, yeah run twice with Boom instead of just letting Pryor sneak it. And then they kick a FG. Those 3 decisions cost OSU the game. If he runs a Pryor sneak 3 times, he is going to get in one of those times.
Tressel has been overrated ever since he got here. He has been considered one of the best coaches in the nation, and I truly believe that is a joke. Carrol proved it tonight. OSU has never really had that great of an offense since he has been here because he plays so conservative. Even the year they won the National title, the offense should have been much better with all of the talent they had. Every game that season was still very close because of Tressel's style of play.
The famous saying is true when it comes to Tressel: He plays not to lose, instead of playing to win.
My thoughts on Pryor:
He should have gone somewhere else that would play to his strengths. I don't know if it is him or the coaching though. Tonight he could have run a lot of times for positive yards and he decided not to and instead threw an incompletion. I think he could have easily ran in a TD on one play but he threw an incompletion instead.
Tressel just isn't using him right, IMO. He should be running the ball more, more options, draws, play action etc.
But even with that said, Pryor missed a ton of wide open receivers tonight. I have never been impressed with his arm though. I don't see Pryor turning into a good pro QB unless he makes some drastic improvements over the next 2 or 3 seasons.
Lastly, this is why I have never been a big college football fan. The rest of the season is over now. I honestly don't care if we make a Bowl and win. If your not winning the National Championship, it doesn't matter. Now it is just over. The rest of the games have NO meaning at all to me. The only way it has meaning is if you are someone who will be like oh woohoo we won our conference !! YAY!!
Give me an 8 team playoffs, and I will actually care about college football.
Props to OSU defense and the rest of the team tonight though... Tressel and Pryor blew it
My thoughts on Tressel:
Put simply, he's a pussy. He never goes for it. He always makes the conservative decision. USC went for it on 4th and short how many times? And they got it every time I believe. Pryor is the biggest fastest QB in the nation and OSU doesn't have one gauranteed shotgun draw/rollout to get 3-5 minimum? On the goal line, yeah run twice with Boom instead of just letting Pryor sneak it. And then they kick a FG. Those 3 decisions cost OSU the game. If he runs a Pryor sneak 3 times, he is going to get in one of those times.
Tressel has been overrated ever since he got here. He has been considered one of the best coaches in the nation, and I truly believe that is a joke. Carrol proved it tonight. OSU has never really had that great of an offense since he has been here because he plays so conservative. Even the year they won the National title, the offense should have been much better with all of the talent they had. Every game that season was still very close because of Tressel's style of play.
The famous saying is true when it comes to Tressel: He plays not to lose, instead of playing to win.
My thoughts on Pryor:
He should have gone somewhere else that would play to his strengths. I don't know if it is him or the coaching though. Tonight he could have run a lot of times for positive yards and he decided not to and instead threw an incompletion. I think he could have easily ran in a TD on one play but he threw an incompletion instead.
Tressel just isn't using him right, IMO. He should be running the ball more, more options, draws, play action etc.
But even with that said, Pryor missed a ton of wide open receivers tonight. I have never been impressed with his arm though. I don't see Pryor turning into a good pro QB unless he makes some drastic improvements over the next 2 or 3 seasons.
Lastly, this is why I have never been a big college football fan. The rest of the season is over now. I honestly don't care if we make a Bowl and win. If your not winning the National Championship, it doesn't matter. Now it is just over. The rest of the games have NO meaning at all to me. The only way it has meaning is if you are someone who will be like oh woohoo we won our conference !! YAY!!
Give me an 8 team playoffs, and I will actually care about college football.
Props to OSU defense and the rest of the team tonight though... Tressel and Pryor blew it