i feel like i can relate to that. back when i was 17-18 i busted my ass off to make my body look as good as i could make it. i was on the diet forum here constantly, lol. back in the good ol days of 2001. but eventually i realized that the upkeep was damn near impossible. i learned i didnt have the willpower to stay that in shape 360 days a year, and that bothered me, so i just sort of gave up. Which was bad, cuz now i hardly work out at all

Granted i worked out some in college, but because looks was my prime motivator, eventually my working out tapered down, until i wasnt doing it anymore at all.
also, what i realized was that looks were only a small part in the game of landing a decent woman. #1 i need to have the right setting to do it (meaning i have to be more involved, go out more, have more friends, etc) #2 i need to be at the right place in life (have a good job, living on my own, etc) and #3 learning how to communicate with them, and to attract them without looks.
your husband is a better man than i am. i have a hard time throwing looks out the door when it comes to women. probably one of the reasons i dont have a woman yet, as my standards are high. another reason is that i just dont try enough or get out much, i guess i have kind of given up on women too.