All you have to do is ask me for a little advise. I can give a few pointers, old man that I am Would certainly increase your odds..... Any questions ask my wife's ass.../
All you have to do is ask me for a little advise. I can give a few pointers, old man that I am Would certainly increase your odds..... Any questions ask my wife's ass.../
i believe you could be helpful. but the problem is that people on this forum have offered me advice in the past and ive never taken it
the problem is that right now i just lack the motivation to go out and do what needs to get done, in order for me to have a good life. i cant figure it out.
I loved the way I looked mid comp prep, loved the way my body looked day of comp but hated the way I felt, how drained I was and how drained my face looked.
I actually (and can admit it) went to damn lean.. but I wanted to see where I could bring my body. It cost me but I didn't care. It wasn't the trophy I was shooting for but the knowledge, and experience. I suffered thru a few really up and down months, but now I now what I need to get there and how to get there. What it is that my body responds to and what it rebels.
I didn't and won't ever have a personal trainer. If I personally can't learn my body, then I have no business in this bis... I don't want to rely on anyone to tell me exactly what to do and at what minute to do it. When you do such a thing there is too many opportunities for failure. I trust me more than I trust anyone. And quite frankly, it works for me and I'll keep it that way.