napsgear is an amazing source and their products WORK.
Never thought I could order steroids online with two clicks of the mouse and have them delivered to me that were real steroids.
went to spring break for 4 days and every chick was looking at me when I was walking down the beach.
I’m sure...
what do you think about using sarms for someone in their 50’s?
I’m currently 5’10’’ and 280 pounds. I’m a big guy and I’m overweight but I do train four or five times a week but I focus more on powerlifting.
Do you think sarms would even be worth it for someone like me who is more worried about...
33 years old. 5’11’’ 207 pounds. Train 5x per week 1 hour per day.
I’m looking to do my first real tren stack. I’ve used it before but my results were lousy.
The tren cycle I’m looking to do needs to have both something that produces estrogen and also something that is mild.
I was thinking that...
I’m 45 years old and I haven’t used steroids and about eight years
in my early 30s I started using them and I was abusing them quite heavily. I used up to three grams per week and then I had some issues come up and life and I had to stop using them for a few years.
Anyway long story short I...
goals are losing body fat and gaining strength
currently 148 pounds and 5’9’’ and 38 years old
looking to use atleast 3 different PED’s this time
want to use lgd4033 or rad140, stack it with 1 or 2 more steroids and sarms.
Would GW cardarine be good too?
I have some Questions about using human growth hormone.
Do you need a pct after using it?
How much dose do I need if I am 175 pounds looking to get some recomp effects?
Do I need to spot inject this stuff or am I good just anywhere?
I’m 48 years old and I also play a lot of tennis do you think...
So I have a couple different questions about sarms.
I already know about steroids and all that but I know nothing about when it comes to storing and packing sarms when you go on a trip.
Questions are :
1. when storing sarms at home where do you store them? Fridge? Closet? How long do they last...
Seen a lot of things in the media and online about steroid use over the years.
Seems like everyone agrees its cheating and its bad. But nothing really else is talked about.
The truth is as a female my appetite seems to go up when I have a bad day and I want to eat ice cream all night. Like when...
I wanted to get your feel and advice when it comes to using testosterone.
Would like to run 300mgs a week testosterone and use an AI with it.
Which steroids would you recommend I use with it and do I need an AI and what dose?
A friend of mine said I don’t need an AI at that low of a dose but...
Curious to hear some reasons why everyone says they hate tren after being on 8 weeks
what specific side effects annoy you the most?
I ask cause I am 3 weeks into it so far and I don’t have much issues at all. I’m doing 300mgs a week and so far enjoying it bigtime!
It but would like to see some...
looking for the best supplement that is going to cost me a hundred dollars a month
that is going to be what my wife allowed me to spend on supplements and that would be my budget
which supplements would you recommend for me?
I’m currently in my 30’s
I’m gonna be running some oral steroids coming up I haven’t decided which steroids I will stack but it will likely be two of them.
Would love to use a supplement that will enhance the cycle and make it better and all so help with my liver, kidneys, and heart health.
Any recommendations that you use?
Very interested in running my first Primo cycle and I would like to match it with a testosterone that you would recommend going with.
My stats are 43 years old. 5th cycle ever. 210 pounds and 17% body fat.
I’ve got enough primo to run it as high as 600mgs for 12 weeks. Should I stack in test...
My next cycle is going to be focused just on strength
I’m 260 pounds and I’m currently benching around 420 would like to push toward the 500 Mark that would be my dream goal.
Currently 45 years old and I’m the strongest I’ve ever been on my life I’ve only run about two cycles before.
Gonna be...
I’m a female who wants to cut down while also bulking.
My ex boyfriend is a meathead and he got me into steroids and one of the ones that he recently recommended was equipoise he said that a lot of women are using it now.
He wasn’t sure the best dosage but he says that he likes to use it at 500...
Curious who on here has run two grams of steroids per week and what was the experience like?
The most I have done is around 900 milligrams total so I haven’t done that much plus I ran orals which I guess technically would put me over a gram.
I am interested in giving it a shot but I would be...
I’m trying to make it a point to pin Monday and Thursday but honestly some days I get so swamped that I forget to pin.
I was wondering about breaking up my testosterone dosing and going maybe three or four times a week this way if I forget to dose it I’ll be okay waiting a couple days to do this...
I’m doing test 250mgs per week. Added in masterone prop at 500mgs a week. Loving what’s happening my vascularity is getting better in my muscles are hardening up and I’m getting tighter.
I need help at deciding what I should do going forward as I’m on week five and I don’t want to pin mast prop...