I’m looking to run steroids on my next cycle. Its going to be 34 years since I ran them. I’m now 61 years old but I am in really good shape for my age.
I’ve used things like anavar, winstrol and equipoise in my past. I am currently on trt. I’m 5’3’’ and 145 pounds with an athletic build.
Got some blood work done from the cardiologists and my cholesterol and triglycerides aren’t looking so good.
Also my HDL good cholesterol and LDL bad cholesterol are a little bit off as well
things have been Haywire ever since I ran my steroid cycle and I think I ran in a little too long at 16...
26 years old and this is the first time I’ve stacked steroids like this. I’m 155 lbs and I’m 5’7”
I’m looking to stack turinabol and test cyp together
my dosing is going to be test cyp 500mgs a week and tbol 25mgs a day
now my question is about length of cycle. I think tbol is liver toxic and I...
I’m 25 years old and I’m 5’8” 190 lbs in about 18% body fat
I’m looking to take steroids to help me keep muscle mass while in a deep deficit.
I plan on going from 3000 calories a day to 1800 calories a day. My steroid plan is this:
test cyp 200mgs a week
anavar 50mgs a day
tbol 20mgs a day
A friend of mine said that on cycle you don’t need any supplements that’s the whole point of using steroids
do you agree with that aspect or is it important to still use supplements even when you’re on steroids to help the whole cycle run better?
If yes which supplements do you guys like to use?
I’m a small boned dude. 5’6’’ and 150 pounds and very lean. I’ve been lifting with my step dad for a year at the gym and although I’m getting stronger I’m not putting on much size. My diet is really good, I eat a healthy diet 3 meals a day. My protein intake is 200g and my calories is 2500+ per...
a 26 years old 5’8” 180 lbs and about 15% body fat
I’m currently using testosterone and equipoise and I’m 7 weeks into the cycle. I’ve got about 5 weeks left because I was gonna originally go 12 weeks but in extending the cycle I was thinking of adding some orals to finish things off. Would like...
5’7’’ 165 pounds and 12% body fat and 50 years old
interested in using dbol for bulking up while keeping my side effects low.
Last time I ran test I had a lot of estrogen issues. I started getting itchy nipples and I started having some facial bloat.
Do you have any advice for bulking up on my...
years ago I used anadrol when I was in my early 20’s and didn’t use it right. Ended up having issues with a lot of bloating and side effects.
So I definitely want to try it again but this time I want to use it the right way
I’m currently 30 years old and I’m 6’2” and 218 lbs.
Was thinking of...
reading good things on using turinabol.
I’m 165 lbs and I’m 5 ft of 10. female and have always been sporty and athletic
used to play volleyball and also I play defense on my soccer team and also played softball so always been active
looking at using turinabol to help my recovery. I’m doing...
My ultimate goal is to maybe compete 1 day at the world’s strongest man but for now I would really like to start building some more pure strength. Currently I’m 28 years old and I’m benching around 340 lbs after doing a couple Cycles of steroids but very mild Cycles with only some light test and...
I know that using no Esther steroids comes with a lot of injecting and I’m hoping you can give me some advice on how to stack both tren and test no ester before my workouts.
My plan was injecting them at home then driving to the gym to work.
Should I do 50mgs of each pre workout?
I’m currently...
Evolutionary.org Underground 41 - What feeling big feels like? products to bulk using Geneza Pharma
my next cycle is a cutting cycle
I’m gonna utilize my cycle in a way that will help me cut down hard
I want to use test cyp, test E and some tbol.
My cycle will be 12 weeks.
My dosing will be 250mgs of each testosterone and then adding tbol at 50mgs a day
I also am gonna use adex 2-3mgs per week...
it just looking for some steroid ideas on bulking
I’m 28 years old I’m 5’7” and I’m 170 lbs
over the past year I’ve really gotten serious about my weight training and I’ve managed to put on about 10 or 15 lbs naturally but I definitely hit a plateau
when it comes to steroids. I was thinking of...
My stats are pretty modest I’m 6’4” I’m 218 lbs with around 16% body fat and I’m 48 years old
interested in trying out testosterone propionate and I would like to mix it in the same syringe to cut back on post injection pain
although this is not the first time I’ve used it this will be the first...
There is no way I am ready for steroids I’m only 21
hoping you can give me some advice on supplements that will help me build more muscle and more strength
I’m trying my best but it’s definitely tough to get any progress done because I feel like my genetics are really bad
I’m 5’7” and around 165 lbs athletic build as a female and I’m 38 years old
I use some steroids and I started to build manly arms which I don’t like. Like when I bend my arms I can see muscle.
My boyfriend put me on 50 mg of testosterone and he put me on 10 mg of tbol.
What do you suggest when...
I’ve currently been training for about 5 months and my results have definitely stalled out after having some good results the first few months
I’m 24 years old and I really think I’m ready to use steroids as my goals are I want to become a professional bodybuilder 1 day
my question is how long...
I’m currently 30 years old and I’m 5 ft 3 and I’m 150 lbs
I’m trying to lean up from here and I’m having a hard time especially after I had my baby 6 months ago
before that I was around 130 lbs but I’m trying to get rid of the baby weight
what are the best steroids that I can use to help throw...