I’m looking to drink a protein shake that can help me gain more weight
looking for one that can be a meal replacement
I’m eating four meals a day and then I want to use the shake as a fifth meal
what would you recommend that I drink? Should I go with a whey protein powder or should I mix some...
I’m looking to hold a lot more muscle and a lot more strength than usual
what do you think about using creatine after my cycle?
I’m thinking about going on it and seeing if it will help me or not. If so what brands and dosages do you recommend and how long?
what do you think about mixing protein powder and creatine in the same supplement mix?
I’m looking to blend them and maybe add some bananas and maybe some cranberry juice or grape juice.
What flavor of protein powder would go good and something like this I’ve tried chocolate flavor and it just...
not much talk about creatine on here lately but it seems like it’s one of the top selling supplements according to the guy at the vitamin store
it’s really cheap as well
my question is if this stuff is really good why is it so cheap and how can I best use it to my advantage should I just do 5 g...
looking to take something post-workout that will help with muscle gains and Recovery
I’m wondering about Branch chain amino acids and creatine and whey protein altogether as part of a blend
my thought is getting some pineapple juice and putting it in the blender and then blending in some bananas...
so I have a question for everybody about using creatine
I started on Creatine about a year ago at first the gains were real I was definitely seeing improvements in my strength and I was gaining muscle much more fast than I was naturally
but then after about 4 or 5 months they gained slowed down...
I’m looking for the best supplements that are cheap
I’m trying to set up a budget and wouldn’t want to spend more than 120 dollars a month total
what are two or three supplements that I can get for that cost that would be worth it
cross creatine off the list I’ve tried it and I wasn’t impressed...
I’m looking to use bcaas and creatine together. What advice would you give me if I wanted to run them together. My main goal is recovery, lean bulking, and something to give me some energy for my workouts.
The last time I was in the gym I put on around 8 pounds in 6 months, this time would like...
I ordered a big tub of creatine I got a really good discount on it at the bin at the supplement store
the guy there said it was a really good product but they were discontinuing it so it was discounted by 50%
I’m looking to go through this stuff and see what it’s capable of giving me. What would...
I’m looking for the best supplements that I can take to build more mass
do you think I should go with creatine
or do you think it makes more sense to just take whey protein and take three scoops a day with my shakes
or do you think that I should go with amino acids instead and mix them up with...
I’m looking to pick up some whey protein powder chocolate flavor
that would sound really good and I’m looking to make some creatine with it
I got one of those blenders that you see advertising those infomercials LOL
I don’t expect it to last forever but it works really good for now would it be...
What do you guys think about using creatine at only 1g per day?
I’ve seen some recommendations saying you should run it five grams and I’ve seen some recommendations that you have to load it even higher initially before doing a maintenance dose.
What if I was just to do a really low dose of one...
So I was reading some stuff about creatine and how dangerous this stuff can be
one of the things that I read is that it can cause your kidneys to have problems
another thing is it can cause water retention
what are your opinions on both? Are they truth or myth
What is the best creatine options for 2023 would you say?
My doctor said it messes with your kidney’s but then i talked to another doctor and he said that it was okay and that wasn’t true
But i think you need to get the pure creatine, that should make the difference with how your body reacts...
At my age It seems like I'm slowing down every day. I'm currently 5'8 and I weigh around 145 lb. I'm very skinny for people my age, but i want to bulk up a bit
I’m looking to stack supplements with sarms on this next run
I’ve got protein powder, weight gainer, and creatine on hand
Which sarms go...
I've always wondered on the cover of those magazines what kind of supplements those guys are using
through my research I came up with several different supplements that I think that they are on
support supplements
weight gainers
isolate whey
What is your opinion on this list I have above?
I'm looking to stack a multivitamin and creatine product together so save hassle
should I buy them separately or should I buy something that is already Blended all in one
another question I had is that I know that creatine and multivitamins are cheap so should I be targeting a product that is...
Check out this product my friend said was really good
Called CREA-TEN. It contains the best creatine blend you will possibly find. it's supposed to increase your pumps at the gym and it's also supposed to increase hydration and cell volume
this is the Rich Piana 5% legendary series supplement...
I have been using creatine for the past year and haven't seen much results at all
I was wondering what kind of training program would you recommend for someone who is trying to get bigger and faster who is using creatine. Someone told me that you have to do that and mix them both
I got some bcaa’s, i want to see how i can mix them and how
Can i mix them with my morning coffee or will it degrade them?
How about just plain water and mixing with creatine?