I’m currently doing a four-day training split
basically I train Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Sundays
Tuesday I usually do more of a pushing split
Wednesday I switched to pulling
thursday I do cardio
and Sundays I do a legs
what do you think about this setup and where should I go from here?
I’m trying to improve my gym grind.
do any of you have any advice about energy and endurance while you’re training and what can you do to mitigate the side effects of a steroid cycle while you’re trying to train hard?
I find a very difficult to do cardio while on my current cycle of trenbolone...
I think it’s really exciting getting all these pumps that I’m experiencing but it’s honestly becoming a little bit of a hassle especially when I’m trying to do cardio or going more high volume High repetition in the gym
what do you recommend I use for supplements to help these pumps get under...
Looking to get the most out of fat loss while retaining muscle mass.
I’m five foot 9
178 pounds and about 14% body fat and 28
my sarms stack so far looks like this
lgd4033 20mgs a day
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
sr9009 25mgs a day
my plan is to use sarms + do fasted cardio.
I’m waking up at 6am and...
I’m looking to add in some fasted cardio into my workouts
been reading up on some of the logs on different forums and it seems like there’s many different options
my situation is this I like to work out four times a week and do about 15 minutes of weight training
my workouts are either around...
I’m a young lady concerned with using sarms succesfully
22 years old
athletic and lean
I’m 5’8’’ and 145 pounds
don’t want any side effects but willing to put in a lot of work on cardio and in the weight room
which sarms should I go for Especially to help with cardio?
I find that when I mix in excellent cardio with my bodybuilding and weight training that I get really good results in terms of recomp and cutting.
The problem is it hurts when I go running the bottom of my feet hurt and I get ankle and shin splint issues.
I can’t be the only one with this...
Looking for honest answers to this because most weight trainers in the gym I noticed they do their workouts then leave they don’t even do any cardio before or after
also seems like on forums I’ve asked this people lie and claim they work out six times a week and then do cardio six times a week...
Curious to hear your experiences using sarms in terms of what happened when you ended up leaning up
did you eat less calories when you are on them?
Did you get more cardio than usual?
Or did you just stay doing what you are doing and the fat loss started coming off
I’m 286 pounds and I am six...
Just looking for lean gains please
I’m doing daily fasted cardio
Training 5x per week
Anavar 50mgs a day 2 weeks then increasing to 75 and then going to 100mgs on a 2 week stagger
Testosterone was my main question. How much to run here for my desired goals?
5’6’’ 172 pounds. 12-13% body fat and...
128 lb
28% body fat and going up
working out five days a week and I do 2 hours of cardio and weight training.
don't have any definition on my frame but I do have muscle mass. I look very thick and I don't like it. would like to try something to help with this
Looking at CLA, clenbuterol and...
When I am lifting weight I am getting a lot of Tremors and shaking. it's almost like I am going hypoglycemic during my training
this usually happens when I am doing a heavy cardio day or sweating a lot
is there a supplement that I can take to help me get through my workouts when they start...
Haven’t seen a thread yet about sr9009 for females
Is this stuff safe for us?
I’m 5’5’’ trying to lose weight, 165 pounds. I want to improve my cardio too
I want to bulk up and get stronger
8am: 6 eggs
9am: workout
10am: yogurt
12pm: salad and chicken
2pm: protein shake
4pm: cardio
5pm: steak dinner, potatoes
I’m looking to change up my split routines. Plan on doing these 70-80%RM hard.
give me your thoughts on this more advanced workout routine
day 1: legs
day 2: back and biceps
day 3: chest, shoulders and triceps
day 4: rest
day5: arms
day 6: cardio
I’m looking to do a new workout split
was doing the push/pull leg split.
I want to change it up
I want to add in a cardio split and an ab split
would do change it to 5 day split that way or incorporate those into the existing splits?
What are going to be the best supplements that I can take before I go in to do cardio
my strategy right now is to do about 30 to 45 minutes of cardio then I do about 30 to 45 minutes of weight training afterwards and I need sustained energy
I am gonna do fasted cardio
my question is what supplements are good to use during that
I don’t want to do anything that will disturb my fast but I also want to
boost my performance
I’m 38 years old and do a lot of crossfit. 6’ tall and 185
I have an injury to my calf and the doctor said I need to lay off of it for as long as I need to before it's healed again
so I'm not going to be able to do any cardio
do you think it would still be a good idea to run sr9009 anyway...