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CRITICS OWNED! - Author L. Rea responds to skeptics about his new designer steroids.

George Spellwin

The Architect
Staff member
Elite Moderator
<p>Dear friends and fellow athletes,</p> <p>There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the release of Mr. Author L. Rea's new designer AAS. Never one to run from a challenge, the normally reclusive Mr. Rea, sent me the following article "<strong>Fear of Freedom, Nature and The Right To Possess (Big) Arms!</strong>" in response to the recent criticisms.</p> <h4>Click here to read the article: <a href="/articledata/alrresponds.html" target="_blank">Fear of Freedom, Nature and The Right To Possess (Big) Arms!</a></h4> <p>Here's the links to the drug profiles for the AAS that Mr. Rea designed and the brand names that correspond to the pharmaceutical names.</p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#000080"> <tr> <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td width="50%" valign="middle"><ul> <li><font size="2" face="Verdana"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Testosterone-OH</a>™</strong> </font><font size="1" face="Verdana">(4-Hydroxy Testosterone Decanoate)</font></li> <li><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><a href="" target="_blank">Oxanavar</a>™ </font></strong><font size="1" face="Verdana">(17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone)</font></li> <li><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><a href="" target="_blank">Aromabolan P.C.T.</a>™ </font></strong><font size="1" face="Verdana">(Formestane)</font></li> <li><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><a href="" target="_blank">Testriol</a>²™ </font></strong><font size="1" face="Verdana">(17aa-4-Androstene-3, 17-diol)</font></li> </ul></td> <td width="50%" valign="top"><p class="ver10">Are they legal? Technically speaking, they are legal at the present time, but are scheduled to be banned. In fact, their legal status is in such question that once the current supply runs out, probably by the end of the month or early next month, if not sooner, there won't be any more. Ever. You can <a href="" target="_blank">check pricing and availability here</a>.</p></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <p>If you're not familiar with Mr. Author L. Rea, I strongly encourage you to check out his two steroid books: <a href="" target="_blank">Chemical Muscle Enhancement</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Building the Perfect Beast</a>. </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Chemical Muscle Enhancement</a> is the steroid book that shows you how you can safely take the drugs used by today's mass monsters to create the cartoon-proportioned, superhero physique that most men will only dream of. Better still, there's special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 hours only.<br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="203" height="27" border="0" align="absbottom"></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="200" height="210" border="0" align="right">Building the Perfect Beast</a> is the first and ONLY book for the ADVANCED steroid user.</p> <p>If you have been using steroids or other muscle enhancing drugs and supplements for over 2 years. Or if you have hit your plateau and just can't seem to gain any more muscle mass or strength. Or if you have tried pretty much everything and still can't seem to get "ripped to the bone" and stay lean YEAR ROUND. Or if you are tired of wasting more time, money and energy on your "gear" and workouts only to look the same, year after year, without any real significant progress. Then you need to read <a href="" target="_blank">Building the Perfect Beast</a>. And, there's special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 hours only too.<br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="203" height="27" border="0"></a></p>
pretty quiet around here.
I have looked through it and there are a lot of claims as to activity and safety, hormone metabolism/pathways etc... could be true or maybe not, who knows....

I would like to see some footnotes with some references on them... Where did they get this info?

Like I said - I know 4OHT shows some adrogenic activity - but I want the papers referenced so I can read about it in an independent source....

just my 2c

lots of good sounding info, but it is only an opinion without supporting documentation... IMHO

(I will just leave it at that - not looking to start an argument)
Look this is what I would like to see....

"Mechanism-based steroidal inhibitors such as 4-hydroxyandrostenedione...(Aromabolan P.C.T.™ above)...produce potent aromatase inhibition in patients"

Semin Reprod Med. 2004 Feb;22(1):31-43.
Aromatase inhibitors: new endocrine treatment of breast cancer.
Brueggemeier RW.

Without reading the article I would venture to say this is potentially a valid product and there is probably suitable discussion of its safety etc in this article (now if only I could get ahold of the paper... :D)

Looks like that one is probably a winner - proven medically effective, safe and legal because of a loophole - though again having the paper to read would be nice.... :)
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Re: CRITICS OWNED! - Author L. Rea responds to skeptics about his new designer steroi

Becoming said:
I have looked through it and there are a lot of claims as to activity and safety, hormone metabolism/pathways etc... could be true or maybe not, who knows....

I would like to see some footnotes with some references on them... Where did they get this info?

Like I said - I know 4OHT shows some adrogenic activity - but I want the papers referenced so I can read about it in an independent source....

just my 2c

lots of good sounding info, but it is only an opinion without supporting documentation... IMHO

(I will just leave it at that - not looking to start an argument)

Exactly..I appreciate Rea's expertise ven though he may be somewhat controversial..but isnt this just another ploy like those cell tech ads???
Re: CRITICS OWNED! - Author L. Rea responds to skeptics about his new designer steroi

wnt2bBeast said:
Exactly..I appreciate Rea's expertise ven though he may be somewhat controversial..but isnt this just another ploy like those cell tech ads???

Bro the Aromabolan P.C.T.™ product looks legit as a potent aromatase inhibitor by my quick 5 minute research attempt - I don't know for sure without the paper, but IMO I would say probably 80% chance it is legit...

As for the other products I don't have the time to look into it right now.... I couldn't find any records on 17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone, and as far as the 4-HydroxyTestosterone, I verified in another thread it has some androgenic activity, but beyond that (how much, what kind, safety, etc) I don't know yet...

I will try to follow up more when I have time...
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Re: CRITICS OWNED! - Author L. Rea responds to skeptics about his new designer steroi

It may be apotent aroma inhibitor but yet it also gives primo like gains and can increase IGf and yadda yadda yadda..all this while bringing your hpta back into function..sounds like a pipe dream to rather stick with REAL gear!! just my 02
Re: CRITICS OWNED! - Author L. Rea responds to skeptics about his new designer steroi

wnt2bBeast said:
It may be apotent aroma inhibitor but yet it also gives primo like gains and can increase IGf and yadda yadda yadda..all this while bringing your hpta back into function..sounds like a pipe dream to rather stick with REAL gear!! just my 02
LOL - I hear you bro - all I said is that it is a potent anti-aromatase..

It is widely used for breast cancer treatment in the UK - so it is totally safe... maybe some more stuff here too...

Dowsett M, Coombes RC: Second-generation aromatase inhibitor: 4-hydroxy-androstenedione. Breast Cancer Res Treat 30:81–87, 1994.


I found some more info - but I can't tell you what it says cause I don't even know what language this is!

Straight from Novartis - their info on the product that is distributed overseas... Depot 250 mg.pdf

Anyone read this shit?

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I was doing a bit of research tonight in the continuing quest to learn about some of these substances. From what I gather HMgear also has a 4-HydroxyNandrolone Decanoate. The listed active ingredient is 4,17beta-Dihydroxyester-4-en-3-one decanoate: 200mg. That appears to me to be very similar if not identical to the actual old steroid Steranabol also known as Oxabolone. The only difference seems to be that Steranabol was had a cypionate esther whereas this has decanoate. If thats the case this stuff sounds pretty promising. Heres the profile info on Steranabol:

This was a tough steroid profile to compose, as before someone mentioned oxabolone to me recently, I had never heard of it, much less encountered it. To compile the brands and products list I therefore had to enlist the help of Wanted, of our very own steroid boards. Oxabolone is an odd steroid. Like the steroid Clostebol (see Megagrisevit Mono profile) it has an alteration at the 4 position, and that exerts similar effects as with clostebol (which used be sold under the name Steranabol by Farmitalia as well, but was discontinued).

Oxabolone is a nandrolone derivative however, a 19Nor compound. The 4-hydroxyl attachment, just like the 4-chloro attachment in clostebol, changes the affinity of the steroid for the aromatase and 5-alpha-reductase enzymes. By losing the interaction with the aromatase enzyme, oxabolone, unlike its parent nandrolone, cannot convert to estrogen. All estrogen related side-effects are therefore non-existent. No risk of gyno, no bloat as the result of water retention and so forth. As most of you may know, nandrolone also has progesterone binding properties, that worsened its estrogenic side-effects, but without the presence of estrogen, that no longer forms a problem. Its comparable to trenbolone. Trenbolone still possesses nandrolone's progestagenic activity, but because it cannot aromtize its not an issue. This also means that Oxabolone can be used for cutting purposes, just like trenbolone.

On the other hand, inhibiting interaction with 5-alpha-reductase will have an entirely different effect than it did with clostebol. Clostebol was a testosterone derivative, and the 4-chloro group inhibited formation of DHT in this manner. That made clostebol several times less androgenic in nature than testosterone, and made it a much weaker steroid as well. That's not the case of oxabolone. The 4-hydroxyl group inhibits the formation of DHN (dihydronandrolone). But Unlike DHT, DHN is an extremely weak androgen.So by eliminating it, you are in fact increasing the androgenic potency of nandrolone, especially in target tissues like scalp, skin and prostate, which does increase the risk of androgen related side-effects. But it also makes it a much stronger steroid. Nandrolone being quite a decent androgen to begin with, inhibiting reduction to DHN makes it that much stronger, and truly comparable in action to the steroid trenbolone (see Parabolan and Finaplix profiles). It would exert a distinct hardening effect on the body, and would be a non-aromatizing hormone still capable of packing on a notable amount of lean mass. Which can be said of very few steroids. It would be the perfect lean mass builder.

The problem is the longer ester. A cypionate ester usually warrants weekly injections. This would be considered a good thing, since less frequent injections are easier to tolerate, and you'd still be able to reap the benefits that would otherwise only be possible with daily or every other day injections with trenbolone. But oxabolone cypionate only comes in 25 mg/ml. And the doses needed are closer to 400-500 mg/week. That means very voluminous injections (8-16 ml at a time), and that is not so pleasant or handy. One could therefore split shots up into every other day shots of 3-4 ml, but because of the long ester one would have to wait for it to accumulate enough to show its full effect. Therefor, with the larger availability and cheaper cost of trenbolone acetate, it would seem the latter is a much better way to go.

Don't get me wrong, oxabolone cypionate is a great product, with a lot of potential, if only someone would make a 200 mg/ml product and made it more available. Perhaps a note to underground steroid manufacturers ?

Stacking and Use:

It's a relatively hard product to use, because of the low dosing. Ideally you need once a week injections of 400-800 mg. But since that equals about 16 to 32 ml worth of product being injected in a single day, that may not be entirely worth it. So one could split up the doses. 3 times 6 ml per week for example, though that is still a lot. Maybe 4 ml every other day at the least. But since oxabolone cypionate is a long acting product, that means you will only get small amounts in the blood early on, and that you will need to wait for a cumulative effect before you get gains worth mentioning. In that aspect the much shorter acting trenbolone acetate (finaplix) is a much easier product to use.

It makes for an ideal cutting steroid, the perfect anti-catabolic to retain maximum lean tissue while reducing body-fat. But also a lean mass gainer, well suited for packing on small amounts of lean mass, while not increasing body-fat or water retention as most mass steroids will do. In these aspects its understandably best stacked with Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) or Primobolan Depot (Methenolone enanthate) as a base compound for the best results, and all or not with Winstrol (stanazolol), Proviron (Mesterolone), Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) or Anavar (oxandrolone). Using 400 mg a week of oxabolone alongside 300-400 mg of Primobolan Depot or Equipoise weekly for 8-10 weeks, and perhaps 50 mg/day Winstrol or 30-40 mg a day Anavar for even better effect.

Since it does not aromatize, the use of anti-estrogens is not needed. Most side-effects associated with oxabolone would be linked to its extreme androgenic nature. Acne, hair loss and prostate hypertrophy are a risk. Because it is a long-acting ester, the use of spironolactone (aldactone) after a cycle may be wise. Because it's a 19nor hormone, which is very suppressive, and a long-acting ester stressing the need for HCG and Nolvadex or Clomid post-cycle is important. Post-cycle therapy is crucial in maintaining gains. Another inherent problem with 19Nor compounds is the suppressive effect they have on libido. Single men will welcome this effect, as it takes your mind of sex, but men who are in a relationship and need to perform will want to use testosterone or proviron alongside it to correct this problem. Increased aggression is also no rarity while using oxabolone.
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