Shirl, I'm gonna tell you something, and it's completely useless, in one way, but on another level, it's the ultimate truth:
Never forget that.
Replace what you need, cherish what is salvaged, and Who Gives a Shit about the Rest, seriously. I lost everything from the first 30 years of my life, with the exception of my son and about 30 photographs, when I divorced my ex husband. Honestly, I don't miss any of it, and the only reason I missed any of it at first was because of societal conditioning.
Your life and that of your partner, the love you share, the health of your children and your pets, that is shit you can't replace. The rest of it, fuck it.
IT'S JUST STUFF. You cannot replace love.
You can live without stuff, really, and when you stop giving it value, it becomes what it is: Flotsam and jetsam/clutter. Some of it makes your life easier, but for the most part, it's just a distraction. You REALLY don't need it. The truth is, Goodwill has an entire wardrobe for the whole family, and more than 75% of the stuff you need in a house for less than a few thousand dollars.
Your husband, your children, the child within you, those are miracles and blessings. The only truly good that can come out of this tragedy is looking at your life in a pared down fashion and embracing what is truly precious and what was truly nothing more than an empty space and/or time consuming distraction.