no straps not allowed
dont use a mixed grip until you have to. You build grip strength using double over hand. sometimes i switch during my set when my grip starts to go
Im movin to philly and am lookin for a good gym thats not geared towards women or men who want to be women. I did some searching and all I found was philly iron works which doens look bad but seems kinda high class. I remember hearing about a serious training facility somewhere up there but i...
ive got a torn medial. I cant run. Id say that if youre able to run 4 miles youre fine. dont bother.
Theres nothing that surgery cant make worse.
Im opting for surgery because i cant squat or run
well the limiting part is the balancing/support muscles. But its very wierd. Ok your body needs to stabilize the weight when youre pressing. But youre shoulders have the ability to press the weight. You know this because you can do it seated. Its not like youre falling over. so strange
So there I am infront of the dumbells doing shoulder presses. Im standing with 60's struggling at 6. I decide to sit down on the vertical bench and do presses on there. Well jesus, I threw 60's around like they were rag dolls. I upped it to 70's and they were manageable aswell.
So the...
Where do i begin. Hmmmmmm Firstly, theyre rip offs but thats not the reason im posting this.
The reason im posting this is because i tore my meniscus. I have seen a few doctors and they all have nothing but bad things to say about the squat. I saw one today who told me i tore my meniscus by...
I just had an mri done casue my knee had been swollen for 3 weeks. I have a torn meniscus. they say im a candidate for arthroscopic surgery. Has anyone ever had this done. How was the recovery period and are you 100%?
Just moved here and looking for a serious gym. Im not looking for some ballys or la fitness shit. I want a hole in the wall with tons of freeweights. anyone got any recommendations