RADAR Apr 29, 2009 Hey! you slacker, i have been meaning to pm you, doing great here, how ya like stepping up in the ranks? RADAR
Hey! you slacker, i have been meaning to pm you, doing great here, how ya like stepping up in the ranks? RADAR
dabuffguy Apr 28, 2009 You are a big hockey guy huh? Sweet. I like watching hockey games live. It's awesome.
I I iggy Apr 21, 2009 legit bro. a couple of problems with lifting but legit. yourself? i hope you've been smashing the iron
legit bro. a couple of problems with lifting but legit. yourself? i hope you've been smashing the iron
hurricane Apr 17, 2009 sorry something must have came up for spart .. i put up the van vs blues games ..
hurricane Apr 17, 2009 spart is putting up the western confernce.. send him a pm bro.. im doing the eastern confernce