Okay, I do cruise CL ads for good laughs. I used to cruise for real, but no more. I'm giving my marriage 1 year of a good honest effort. Anyway, here is an example of what many women want. This guy has it right on the money. All those sappy love making movie scenes inbetween the violent action scenes- all for woman. Take note. They're there and universal for a reason. I used to ask my spouse- Why don't you kiss me like that- etc... He'd say, "That's just Hollywood making us regular guys look bad." - Reason 97 for why I cheated on him...
So here are the ads by this guy who knows what women want.... (this guy is gooood). Was tempted to approach him but I had a policy of no single guys and he wants single women, so was not going to work out no way and now I don't play.... He has a great body pic to go with the ad too, but don't know how to embed yet... Sorry ladies. Ladies, tell me, does this guy KNOW or what?! I get all worked up just reading it. Hey, ask your wife to read it and ask her if it's a crock of crap or not. I bet she'll be wet before she gets half way through it...
The AD:
I'm looking for a woman who wants to relax, flirt and have a great afternoon. Somebody 18-32, who is reasonably in shape (short girls really get me going). I'm just what you are looking for: strong, athletic, good abs, strong hands, and I know how to treat a woman like a woman. I'm a sensual and sensitive man who is attentive to my lover's needs. Massage is my favorite way to start an explosive time together. I would start with lotion, or scented oil, and rub your body from feet to neck with my hands, and my mouth. Working my way up your body, toying with your erogenous spots, warm, gentle, sexual but so relaxing. After a few times over your body I would spend more time around your breasts, your hips, the inside of your knees and inside your thighs until I had gently brushed against your lips and clit. Slowly I would make circles around your clit with my tongue. Gently increasing speed and pressure until you are so wet that my fingers slip inside you. One hand inside you rubbing your g spot, my tongue still massaging your clit, my other hand exploring your body - breasts, legs, arms, neck. You might climax, or I might take you to the edge time after time until you ask for me to slide my manhood, hard and warm, inside your now dripping wet lips. Your back arches as I slide in, you moan, I moan. You feel my strong arms around you as I hold myself in a half pushup position above you and you pull yourself against me, pushing your hips down onto mine. We build pressure, speed, volume, breathing hard, hot, until we reach the edge. Then I would turn you over so I can be inside you and rub your clit at the same time, or maybe by this point you are wild for more of me and you push me down and climb on top to ride while my strong arms and hands pull your hips down and rub your breasts or hold the back of your head with your long hair flying across your back and chest... I'll write more and send a pic if I get one from you. Let's hang out this afternoon/eve.

Put "moan" in the subject so I know you are a real person.
If you are a guy don't reply.
Another of his ADS:
I am looking for someone who wants to have a laid back afternoon of flirting, talking, touching...and ....a great time. Someone who is 19-35, somewhat fit (athletic is good) and under 5'8" (shorter is great)...a woman with an imagination that can run wild and takes us to that place where our senses are overwhelmed by the soft and hard, the desire and have, the hot and wet, the quiet and loud experiences of great sex. I am just what you want: athletic, handsome, smart, good abs, strong hands, and patient with my lover. I love to give my woman everything she needs...a soft touch with adoring words, warm breath on your neck, a nibble on your ear, my hands pulling you close, my mouth exploring you, warm skin on warm skin until my firm man hands brush against your soft clit, touching gently, rubbing, sliding until our heat drives you wet toward my stiff parts, sliding together...moaning, softly, breathing heavy, moaning, loudly, aching bodies, arching backs...