..is this ridiculous? would i die if i did this? im ready to do it, along with 1g or test a week just to see what would happen. im sick of doin cycles, eating til im ready to puke 6 times a day, and getting nowhere.
i did 300mg along with 500mg test and got nowhere. i only put about 75 lbs on my benchpress and shit. i got stronger but not good enough. and i had no sides at all. nothing. i just wanna up it like crazy, make sick gains, and have a heart attack or something. my blood pressure never went over 118/70.
i did 300mg along with 500mg test and got nowhere. i only put about 75 lbs on my benchpress and shit. i got stronger but not good enough. and i had no sides at all. nothing. i just wanna up it like crazy, make sick gains, and have a heart attack or something. my blood pressure never went over 118/70.
yea and im only benchin about 290...fucking pathetic. i need to be doin average, like around 350-380, like all u guys. if im gonna take gear i dont wanna look like a middle school kid.
75lbs on the bench is a pretty decent come up imo, I woundnt do 1k tren I'd look at other options maybe 750 test and 600 deca. take a good look at your diet and training too