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Sylvester Stallone is één van de meest populaire actie filmsterren aller tijden. Hij wordt beschouwd als een van de meest fitte jongens in Hollywood, verschillende personages die boksers waren uitkwamen, militaire hengsten, Cops, en algemene badasses kan nemen op kleine legers.
Hij is momenteel 71 years old and his stats are 5'8" en 185 pond.
Early life and background
Stallone is actually not 100% Italian as everyone thinks. His father immigrated from Italy, but his mother was half French and half Ukrainian. He did grow up in Hell's Kitchen, NY, which has its fair share of Italians. Een ander ding mensen niet over Stallone weten is dat zijn onduidelijke spraak en gezicht uiterlijk bijzondere waardevermindering werden veroorzaakt door een medische kwestie van geboorte waar de artsen per ongeluk knippen één van zijn zenuwen bij de geboorte.
TV and movies
Zijn eerste grote geaccrediteerde rollen waren in de late jaren 60 voor MASH-shows en films als Downhill Racer, en duiven. Zijn populariteit omhooggeschoten in 1976, met een Oscar-winnende film hij schreef en speelde in de zogenaamde 'Rocky'. Het was een inspirerende vodden aan rijkdom film over een bokser die werken als een schuld-verzamelaar begint en wordt gekozen om te nemen op de wereldkampioen. De film zou had een kleine begroting van 1M en meer dan 225 M. Zijn beste film van de jaren 80 was First Blood (Rambo deel 1) waar hij speelde een bittere Vietnam veteraan die wordt gepest door een kleine stad-sheriff.
Hij zou ster in veel films in de jaren 80 en 90. Verder, zijn andere populaire films waren Copland, Over de Top, Demolition Man, en Cobra.
Maybe his biggest mistake of the 80's was turning down the role for Beverly Hills Cop, which was scooped up by Eddie Murphy and would go on to be one of the classic action/comedy movies of the 80's. Hoewel, it's doubtful Stallone could play a “funny” cop like Eddie Murphy did.
Ups and downs in his career
Stallone has a fierce fan base of young males dating back to the early 80's that have stuck with him as they have aged. His Rocky and Rambo series movies had many sequels, though none even came close to his originals. His sequel roles and some film choices were so bad that he was awarded the Razzie Award as Worst Actor of the century, and has the record for most nominations for the worst actor with 22 - and a whopping 8 wins. This is ahead of Adam Sandler (considered by some as one of the worst actors in Hollywood).
Many critics point to Stallone's movie sequels where his characters changed personalities and the cliched reasons for the sequels where he doesn't want to fight, or is downtrodden, but ends up doing it anyway and finishing on top. This type of story-line has been played out over and over with movies and are unoriginal. In the 90's, studios stopped bankrolling his movies with mega budgets. Toch, he still had enough box office success and his movies, voor het grootste deel, end up with a profit even though many of his fans admit they were disappointed in some of his movies.
His most successful roles were Rocky and Creed, where he received Oscar nominations for best actor and best supporting actor. He also was nominated for a best original screenplay for Rocky. To this day the original Rocky movie is considered a classic.
Stallone actually did some of his stunts in his movies and did not like to use stunt doubles as much as other actors. Also because he played badasses in his movies he had to look a certain way and that took a lot of dedication with training and diet.
For his Rocky 2 role, he had Franco Columbu (former Mr. Olympia champion) help him train. Franco pushed him hard and he would train 6X per week - 2X per day doing 4-day split routine of legs, push, Terug, arms in the mornings, and be doing arms, abs, back split in the afternoon. Tijdens deze training, Stallone admitted he hated waking up in the morning and going to the gym and would ask himself if it was worth it. He had the drive to actually pull through.
During his late Rambo roles, he was in his early 60's and still trained hard. His workouts would be twice per day splitting up weights and cardio. He looked incredible for someone his age when he did his Rambo 4 role in 2008.
Stallone's style of cardio was fasted training 30 minutes per day, he stuck to lighter cardio bike, treadmill, or stairs.
Stallone's diets are extremely intense and not recommended for the average joe. You have to remember he had to look a certain way ahead of a mega-million $ movie role, and he had the motivation to get there so he would look good in front of the cameras.
His Rocky 3 diet is one for the ages. He would eat tiny portions of low-calorie cookies made with oatmeal and rice. His diet was mostly lean proteins and almost no carbs otherwise, not even fruit. It is also said he would drink 20 cups of coffee per day and would routinely get dizzy spells. All this resulted in him dropping to under 4% body fat and today he says that what he did was dumb and risky.
Steroid cycle
In 2007, while going through customs in Australia, Stallone was caught with 50 vials of growth hormone. So based on this, we know he absolutely LOVES growth hormone, and there is no doubt it has helped him stay lean and muscular. Ook, Hij heeft gezegd dat testosteron is uiterst belangrijk voor een man, dus we kunnen aannemen dat hij aanstaat TRT. We kunnen speculeren blijft hij in grote vorm in zijn 70 's met een eenvoudige steroïde cyclus:
*5-6IU's HGH per dag
*400mg testosteron ENANTAAT / per week
Hij zal ook Primobolan blast 600 mg per week en Tbol met 30mg per dag voor optredens.
Wil Sylvester Stallone praten over onze forums? Lees verder:
- Sylvester Stallone de commentaar op AAS
- Sylvester Stallone (HGH)
- Stallone de S-Force
- Meer Respect voor Stallone ~ verdedigt hij Test en HGH
Yours in de sport,
George Spellwin
*DISCLAIMER: De cyclus boven is onze mening over wat Sylvester Stallone zou kunnen hebben gebruikt, Dit is uitsluitend bedoeld voor informatie en entertainment. Er is geen direct bewijs dat Sylvester Stallone steroïden of een andere drugs gebruikt.