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In this issue of Elite Fitness News, it gives me great pleasure to introdue you to Ms. Kristy Willis, better know as Platinum discussion board member "KristyW." I hope you will enjoy her motivational photos and profile as much as I have.
Please let me know the following stats:
Age: 21
Weight: 128
Height: 5\'9"
Please provide your measurements including:
Neck 13
Chest 34
Waist 24
Hip 34
Quads 20
Calves 13
Biceps 10.5/ 11.5 (flexed)
Body Fat %:13.4 (Bod Pod measurement)
Please describe your diet. Please be specific about the number of meals you eat and what they consist of. Please also let me know what you drink, coffee, water, soda, etc.
I eat about 5-6 meals a day with my goal being a total calorie count of around 1500 (12 cals per lb bodyweight) with the breakdown of 50% protein, 40% carbs, and 10% fat. My protein sources consist of chicken, turkey, fish, and protein shakes. My carb sources are from oatmeal, rice, whole wheat bread, and potatoes. Fat is either from flax oil in my shakes or meat sources. As far as drinks I either have water or crystal light for the majority of my intake along with a couple of cups of coffee. Infrequently I may have a diet soda.
Beginning with breakfast, what did you eat yesterday and was it a typical day?
Meal 1: Protein shake with rolled oats and flax providing approximately 400 calories with 50g protein and 30g carbs and 8g fat.
Meal 2: Turkey Sandwich and a salad providing approximately 300 calories with 40g protein and 30g carbs.
Meal 3: Protein Bar providing approximately 250 calories with 30g protein and 25g carbs
Meal 4: Post-workout shake with 300 calories consisting of 50g protein and 25g carbs (from dextrose)
Meal 5: Chicken and rice meal with 300 calories consisting of 40g protein and 30g carbs
Weekly Aerobic Activity:
Frequency: 5x per week
Duration: 30 minutes on elliptical trainer or jogging on track keeping heart rate at around 80% max
Weekly Weight Training Program:
Frequency: 5x per week (split into five workouts: chest, arms, legs, back, shoulders)
Duration: 30 minutes
Number of Years Training: 8 years
Please describe your progress to date: I have progressively dropped my body fat and gained muscle, keeping my total bodyweight between 125 and 130.
Goals: Please be very specific as to your goals. If you really want to gain 40 pounds of muscle, say so. If you really want to lose 40 lbs of fat, say so.
Goals: To drop about 3-5lbs of body fat
LBM Gain Goal: I\'m satisfied with my current LBM
Fat Loss Goal: 3-5 lbs
What is your Major Interest:
Training and Diet
What is your Body Type:
Please describe your Past Experience with Anabolics: None
Please describe your Past Experience with Supplements: I have used various stimulant combinations and am currently using a multivitamin daily and 3g of Vitamin C (high dose Vitamin C acts as a diuretic)
In the week before a photo shoot, I start using glycerol (2 tbsp in warm water) and vitamin C (4g) each night. I also drop my carb intake during the middle of the week to less than 50g per day and then back to normal 2 days before the shoot. I drink only sips of water after noon the day before the shoot and also drink 3 cups of coffee and a shot of hard liquor an hour before the shoot. This regimen has worked for me in the past and was actually given to me as a pre-contest routine by a friend of mine who is a competitive bodybuilder. I can usually drop around 3lbs of subcutaneous water with this.
Any Specific Interests or needs?
Any relevant Past Medical History: I completely tore the ACL in my right knee my junior year in HS playing varsity basketball. I lost my scholarship to a play at a Division II school so it was quite a disappointment.
Tell us a little about your lifestyle:
I am currently engaged to a man I actually met at the gym I was working out at 1 ½ years ago. Who says the fitness lifestyle doesn\'t have some benefits?
Have kids? Not at the moment, but definitely in the future (probably just two).
What do you do for a living? I am a dental hygienist full-time, and am pursuing a career in fashion/commercial modeling as well.
How did you find out about My fiancée introduced me to the site.
How long have you been on our site? Since January.
What part of the site do you use? The boards? Free encrypted email? Free web pages? Articles? Dating?
Mostly the boards and sometimes I read the articles. I mostly follow the Women\'s Discussion Board and the Diet Board.
What got you interested in weight lifting? I played basketball, volleyball and ran track in high school so lifting was an optional part of our training. My brother piqued my interest in the bodybuilding lifestyle and it was something we did together after my days of playing competitive sports was over.
What are your plans for the future? I plan to continue working as a full-time dental hygienist for the next few years as well as pursue a career in modeling while my fiancée completes his residency training. After that I will most likely go back to school and do something I really like -- though what that is I could not tell you at this moment.
Are there any obstacles you have overcome, personal or training related?
My knee injury was quite a hurdle for me to overcome as far as rehabilitation was concerned. It took me quite a while to regain my full mobility and strength in that leg (it was 3" smaller than my left leg).
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years, 10 years?
In five years I see myself married, moving again for my future husband\'s fellowship training, and perhaps with one child. At that point I will retire from dental hygiene and possibly go back to school. In 10 years I see myself living happily with my husband and two children in the location we finally move to after his training is complete. My career plans at that point are still up in the air.
Thank you Kristy! We all hope to see more of you on the boards!
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