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My Rant on "Prove it to me" flame fests...


New member
Lately I have read so many posts and have seen people reply to even the most basic concepts with a "screw you, prove it to me" attitude.

Look, I'm trained as a scientist, spent 10 years in college and grad school, have 2 masters and phd, and if there's one thing that I can do its shred someone's ass with a non-stop attack of "why" and "bullshit, prove it to me" arguments. And even when someone produces abstracts or papers I can say "fuck you, I've published in dozen's of peer reviewed journals and been a reviewer myself 100+ times, and I can assure you that some of the studies that are passed thru even after peer review are WRONG, poorly controlled, and caveat ladden" Look, you can't win an argument with me if I want to be a dick. And apparently that's the approach lately here on EF. Everybody wants to be a respected guru, so they attack everyone else's posts and then it quickly degenerates into "do your research, show me abstracts and papers, and prove it to me you motherfucker".

I'm sorry for the rant, but maybe I've just been too nice in the past... How about I just jump on every fucking thread from here on out and demand abstracts, proof, publications, double blind studies, clinical reviews, and your motherfucking credentials to back a shit thing you have to say? Sounds like a real dickish way to act in my book, yet I see it all the time over here.

If you can't say something productive, don't say anything IMHO.

DrG :mad:

You raise a fair point. But we can't have everyone spamming the boards with theories with no proof either. Agreed, people could be a little more constructive/intelligent when wanting a source for info. I am no scientist or chemist. I come here for knowledge and information. We all share a common goal, and this board helps to facilitate the sharing of said knowledge. You can't blame someone for wanting extra proof so that they don't mess up their health and body.
For someone that is such a published, respected and apparently well known person as yourself, you sure do curse a whole lot. There just opinions, if they ask for a follow up, can you blame them. Just because you put your word on it, doesn't mean it's true, no matter how many PHD's anyone may have, word sometimes isn't enough. The same with these so called studies. Most studies of Anadrol will tell you to see a 8-14 Lb weight gain within the first two weeks. In my case I gained about 5 Lbs, but incredible strength. Studies aren't always right. A world of opinions this board is, but this is probably the most informative board on the net, opinions do differ, but everyone walks away enlightened in some sort of way, and definetly after reading a short while, your on a good path. All of course in my humble opinion.
I agree alot of studies are bunk...i only rely upon my personal experiences in the field....30 plus yrs and still going!!!!!

drgoodbody said:

Look, I'm trained as a scientist, spent 10 years in college and grad school, have 2 masters and phd,

DrG :mad:

Can you scan a pic of your degree(s) and credentials and post it here please.
RADAR said:
I agree alot of studies are bunk...i only rely upon my personal experiences in the field....30 plus yrs and still going!!!!!


you the man radar :D
Re: Re: My Rant on "Prove it to me" flame fests...

Enigmaxxx7 said:
Can you scan a pic of your degree(s) and credentials and post it here please.

Funniest Post Ever. ROFL! :D
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I think the problem is that people come here for truth and answers. It is frustrating to some of us when you read a post that flies in the face of every conventional idea and thought that you know to be right. Especially when the motives of the person are in question. Some of us are here to exchange information and to help others, and when someone supplies misinformation, it completely contradicts our purposes.

Also, I have never heard of anyone with a PHD talk the way you do. Where did you go to school, "Mutherfuckin University"?
Re: Re: My Rant on "Prove it to me" flame fests...

Enigmaxxx7 said:
Can you scan a pic of your degree(s) and credentials and post it here please.

LOL! I love it - prove it to me... again.... Sure I'll also scan my drivers license and marriage certificate... I'll show you mine as soon as you show me yours! LOL!

Oh, and yeah I do curse a lot, that has nothing to do with my educational background and everything to do with how frustrated I am. People that work for me know I'm no BS and I'll tell you exactly what I think of your work - they may not always like me, but they sure as hell respect me for my honesty.

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