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  1. W

    dbol and test cycle bulking

    I want to bulk up a bit. I’m currently 28 years old, 200 pounds and 5’10”. I will start this cycle when I am down to low to mid teens body fat. I have been focusing more on overall fitness right now and want to get serious about weight training 500mg a week testosterone cyp 30mg a day...
  2. G

    oral only cycles

    what is the scoop these days with oral only cycles? I remember in the 90’s everyone ran them. We used to run dbol solo for 5-6 weeks and had good results. Now everyone says they are no good. What is the science and reasoning behind them suddenly not being good in 2021 when they were fine 30...
  3. D

    dbol toxicity

    just how toxic is dianabol dbol on my liver? I am currently using a couple prescription drugs including an antibiotic for a staph infection. If I wanted to get on dianabol 50mgs a day for 6 weeks would that cause my liver to strain too much or will I be okay? I plan to use n2guard with it. 44...
  4. A

    10mg dbol daily (cycle, not abridge)

    This is my first cycle ever I am 270lb 25 y/o 23% fat power lifter 360 lb 1 rep max bench 505 1 rep deadlift max 350 lb 1 rep squat My question is -Is 10mg a day in the morning a good idea for minor increase in strength am not looking to get shreded just enhance performance with the...
  5. J

    Running Dbol on preworkout only and not taking it on the off days

    I am using Dbol only for preworkout and the off days i didnt take it.. I know its not standard , but ive read of people doing this. Anyone do this too?
  6. tui

    First cycle at 39

    Hi all. I’ve been looking into doing my first cycle for some time to try to keep competitive in my sport as I’m 39. I’m having some time out so thought it a good opportunity before season starts to gain some strength and a bit of size. I aim to put on around 25lbs. I still want to be mobile and...
  7. T

    Dbol 1st cycle ever

    Hi all my name is Will I’m a surgery and I’m a gym passionate. I’m lifting weight since 2 years, my BF is around 13%, 86 KG and 1.88 cm my height. I started my Dbol cycle 3 days ago (today 4th day) to bulk following this qty: My diet is around 3450 Kcal 45% carb 30% (proteins – 254...
  8. L

    Tip on my first cycle?

    Hey guys/gals, I’m new to this page and looking for some insight, maybe I need to make some changes to what I’m planning on taking. I’m 21, 5’7 167lbs 8-10% BF, been working out religiously since I was 15 but have only been dieting properly since I was 18. This is what my 10 week run will look...
  9. D

    Need Help With Cycle Planning

    Okay, so i could really use some help for this one. I have to be able to lift through to A competition that is in April. I’m trynna bulk up then lean up for my final comp. I want to start before season begins for me which is January, so I figured December would be appropriate to frontload my...
  10. S

    Sustanon 250-Dianabol cycle

    Hi i am a beginner...i read everything about the beginners cycle on net and everywhere they said that a dbol sustanon cycle would be the best...please suggest appropriate dosages and pct
  11. T

    Your typical cycle question on DBOL this time its about HCG

    Hey guys, wk 1-12: Test-E @ 250mg x2 (mon/thurs) wk 1-12: Arimidex @ .25 mg EOD wk 1-6: Dianabol 40mg split dosage per day 2 weeks after my cycle: Clomid week 1= 75 mg daily week 2= 50 mg daily week 3= 50 mg daily week 4= 50 mg daily Nolvadex week 1= 40 mg daily week 2= 20 mg daily week...
  12. L

    Second Cycle - DBol/Test e/Winny - Advice Appreciated

    I am planning on starting my second AAS cycle at the end of this summer. Stats: 24 yo 6'2" 198 lbs 11% bf I am planning on running: Week 1-4 DBol 40 mg/day Week 1-14 Test E 500 mg/week Week 10-16 Winny 50mg/day Week 7-16 HCG 500 iu/E4D PCT starting the day after last dose of Winny Clomid...
  13. V

    Pre contest cycle

    Going to have a BB contest Here's my 4th..or maybe 5th cycle. Test c week 1~10 (250 mg eod) Dbl week 1~5 (50 mg ed) Npp week 1~8 (150 mg eod) Tren e week 9~14 (100 mg eod) Test p week 11~16 (200 mg eod) Tren a week 15~16 (50 mg ed) Winny...
  14. K

    cycle advice test cyp dbol anavar post gyno surgery

    hi I'm new to this site and was looking for some advice I had gyno surgery a few months back and am looking to run my first cycle post op. I haven't ran a cycle in 4 years. this is my cycle lay out Dbol- 25mg weeks 1-4 may up mg test cyp- 500mg weeks 1-12 shots mon-thurs anavar- 60mg weeks...
  15. N

    Should i stack tren a or dbol on my short cycle?

    Title says it all. Im looking to run a couple 2-3 week short cycles followed by a couple weeks of pct and a couple weeks off before starting the next one. This is simply because ive had a hard time getting my HPTA back online for my last couple cycles, my last one resulted in me losing the...
  16. S

    Dbol Question

    Okay so I finished my first cycle almost 2 months ago. I ran a 500mg/week test cycle for 10 weeks with 40mg/day dbol for the first 4 weeks. I was incredibly happy with the results I got. I still have a bunch of dbol left over from my last cycle and am thinking about running a dbol only...
  17. G

    First Short Cycle Advice

    Been lurking and researching for a solid bit now. 29yrs old got back on the weights 2 years ago after 2 year break (was a hippy did power yoga hike snowboard ect) 5'11 on a good day 165(should be 180 work never allowed me to recover or keep gains or even eat enough until recently, id drop to 150...
  18. P

    Finished SARM triple stack protocol; next cycle advice

    Hey guys, I just recently finished the SARMs1 triple stack and a light pct, and had relatively good results. Put on about 8-10lbs of muscle, got some great vascularity during workouts, gained a decent amount of strength, and stayed lean. Was expecting better cardio results from the cardarine...
  19. O

    Cycle help

    Hey guys, first time poster here. Just wanted to get a little feedback/criticism about my upcoming cycle. Here's a little about me: 33 years old, 6'1, 210 lbs, about 18% BF. Been working out about 6 years steady. This will be my second cycle, first was just a straight up test E cycle of 600 ml a...
  20. reaper517


    So I was able to score some Dbol powder at what I think is a reasonable price $80.00 + $25.00 shipping for 20g.....Been taking it for two weeks now, measuring it out in capsules instead of making my own tabs, so I may be under or even overdosing to a point. Went to the doctor today and my blood...
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