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  1. millser4

    Test E and Tren E Cycle

    Hey guys, I'm new to posting but this will be my third cycle. My first cycle was dbol 25 mg. for 4 weeks and test e 500 mg. for 10 weeks. My second was test e 500 mg. for 10 weeks and winny 100 mg. for the last 7 weeks. I saw great gains. I'm about 5'10'' 195 lbs. My diet is fairly clean but...
  2. Ajaxx


    Hey everyone I need some advice on my first AAS cycle. Stats: 6'1" about 230 and ~ 13%BF. I lift religiously 4 days a week for the last year or so and have no plans to stop. I will be heading back to school next week and begin a cutting cycle with some Clen I have ordered, but that is not what I...
  3. Ajaxx

    First Cycle

    :D Hi everyone, just need some advice. First off I am 6'1" and 233 lbs ~13%BF and 19 years old (too young I know so spare me). I also have lifted religiously 4 days a week for the last year or so and have no plans to stop. I will be heading back to school next week and begin a cutting cycle with...
  4. C

    Test E + Arimidex +dbol + Winny help

    Planning on doing a 13 week of Test Enanthate with dbol for kickstart and winny to taper off and with 0.5 arimidex eod throughout. Im 6"0, 190pounds, 22yo, 15%bf, 1 previous cycle 6weeks of prop with 4 week dbol kickstart, didnt go too well i only got 1 week of PCT then my pct got seized and...
  5. A

    Second Cycle

    Hey Guys, (you can skip this if you want) I'm about to finish my first cycle of testosterone propionate. This first cycle is 50 ml of test every other day. My gains: Well, I gained close to an inch around my arms. Really happy about that! I got more definition on my chest; I was focusing on...
  6. stevesmi

    Dbol baby

    Dianabol (1 7-alpha-methyl-1 7beta-hydroxil-androsta-1.4dien-3-on) is an orally applicable steroid with a great effect on the protein metabolism. The effect of Dianabol promotes the protein synthesis, thus it supports the buildup of protein. This effect mani-fests itself in a positive nitrogen...
  7. N

    First "real" cycle

    Something messed up now i have to wright this again on my phone omg.... Hello guys, i'm in week 2, test e 250(frontloaded 500) and eq 500, 8-9 weeks. I wanted to limit exposure cus of my hairloss... Did 2 dbol no pct piramids 6 years a go, results was awesome! 18lbs, leaner than ever and it...
  8. A

    Dbol and tribex

    I am hopefully going to get some dbol in a few days and i have some tribex testosterone pills. i was wondering if anyone new if these 2 were any good to stack with. i was plan on taking 50 mgs of dbol a day and take a pill of tribex 5 days a week. plan on taking nolvadex for a pct 18 yrs old...
  9. F

    First Cycle!

    Hey Guys, I have been researching for the past year to maximize my first cycle. I'm 35, 6', 212, been working out since my 20's on a pretty regular basis. I have also been HIV+ now for almost 3 years. I am taking Atripla and have an undetectable viral load and great health. The only fact that...
  10. GrownUp

    Primobolan, Test Enanthate Cycle Amongst Others

    Hey guys, I'm starting a cycle tomorrow and wanted a bit of input on something that has been in my mind for a while and the more I do research the more I can't find a straight answer. I'm using 600mg Primo for 16 weeks along with Test E + 50mg Tren Acetate EOD and Dbol for the first 4 weeks...
  11. R


    We do not discuss ugls or verify the legitamacy of ugls. Please read the aas rules sticky.
  12. R

    gyno with dbol do i have it

    guys i know im stupid i lost nolvadex and have been doing 40mg of dbol for a few weeks. ive had nipple soreness for about 2 days now and puffiness shal i drop the dbol and even if i do drop it will the gyno get worse? what next?!?!?!?!?
  13. R

    dbol then winnie

    guys i am currently on a 5 week dbol cycle 40mg ED. after this cycle i was thinking oral winnie after about 8 weeks. will this be really bad on the liver or is there enough time spaced in between. i dont really want to do them together in the summer (dbol + winnie) cos they are both 17aa which...
  14. H

    when will dbol kick in??

    i started my 40mg dbol cycle about a week ago. done 40mg for 4 days. got ill and didnt touch the stuff for 4 days. after the ill 4th day i started it again and have been doing it for 6 days now 40mg and i think i can see abit of fullness today. shouldnt the stuff have kicked in earlier or...
  15. H

    masturbation with dbol?

    guys, another silly question. i kinda know its not true but i just wanned to like make sure lol. a few guys today (the big guys at gym) were saying that while on gear (even dbol), you should try n avoid masturbation throughout your cycle as it can affect gains. is this true?:stilleto:
  16. H

    got sick with dbol!

    hi guys hope all is going well! i started on some blue hearts 10mg dbol. been on em for about 5 days now. last night took my final dosage (40mg), woke up early morning n started puking up! im wondering if its just a stomach bug or the dbol cos i had a temperature throughout the day as well. now...
  17. R

    best stack to take with dianabol

    about to take my first cycle of dbol, it is my first time taking it and not trying to get flamed on this thread, im 5'9, 185lbs, 21yo. have been working out hard since highschool have done some research on dbol and what to take with it and have gotten a few mixed answers so was jus wondering if...
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