For those of you who have visited this page before, please note that it has been broken up into four pages to make for quicker downloading and a more thematic arrangement. The largest section is now the Muscle Portraits section, followed by Abstract Muscle and then by Action Shots & Contest Pics. Casual Physiques is a catch-all "leftover" section. All will be added to in the next while........
Most of these images speak for themselves so there is not as much commentary here as on the other pages at this site. There is no nudity at this site nor any image that is overtly suggestive - in part so as not to offend or alienate those with more conservative tastes but also (and mostly) because I'd like it to have a "PG" rating for censoring softwares so these images are accessible to younger bodybuilding fans and art students as well as to adult viewers surfing via corporate or educational networks with anti-porn access limitations. Obviously visible flesh on muscular bodies has a directly sensual quality and potentially erotic context (as hyped at length in the bodybuilding press), so if you've gotten here at all I shouldn't have to make excuses for my efforts to edify the bodybuilding physique as an art object beyond its usual portrayal in the stock compulsory poses and other bodybuilding schlock. As a photographer, I've been lucky enough to find willing models (or having had them find me) for some of this material, but many of these images were taken during contests. My original goal in photographing bodybuilding shows was a search for artistry and aesthetic imagery in the manner of classical sculpture and painting, and to some degree I think I can claim to have succeeded.
Photos on this page are numbered rather than captioned; a numerical index identifying the subjects is given at the bottom of the page. Where the athlete depicted is featured on another page at this site, a link is provided for your convenience.
Abstract Muscle
Action Shots & Contest Pics
Muscle Portraits
Casual Physique