Casual Pictures

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Some of these pictures also occur on other pages within the Physique Portraits & Contest Photo sections.  Basically this is a catch-all page for things that don't quite fit one of my other "categories", although some are repeats of items on the Muscle Portraits and various contest pages.  Other pictures will be added here soon. 

NOTE:  Names and locations are given here not as an invitation to contact but simply to credit the athletes/models.  Some individuals have already been removed from this page because of unasked-for personal letters.  If this problem persists I may take down the whole page!

Darren McEachern 
Edmonton AB
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Peter Wyatt 
Victoria BC
  Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Darren McEachern 
Edmonton AB
Darren McEachern 
Edmonton AB
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC
Dan Murphy 
Vancouver BC
Dan Murphy 
Vancouver BC
Peter Wyatt 
Victoria BC
Vancouver BC
Keith Evans 
Abbotsford BC