This is my pre and post workout shake. 1 liter of water, 40g Waxy Maize, 10g Peptopro(Hydrolyzed casein; highest quality and fastest acting complete protein available) or BCAA, 5g creatine mono or CEE, 15ml glycerol, a pinch of sea salt, splenda and crystal light to taste.
This is the best combo I have found for pre and post workout. The pumps from the glycerol and WMS are insane. Recovery is top notch too.
For my everyday use protein I like a blend. I get 40% whey iso/30% egg white/30% micellar casein. I buy this in bulk and unflavored. I add flavoring as I go to each shake.
The most important thing to me is the quality of product. I am a protein snob. I am loyal to my brands I do not really deviate. I have tried them all and I usually hold my tongue when some one recommends a low quality or inferior brand. *Cough* Anything made by ON *Cough*