Whats the funniest accident or injury youve had in the gym.
I've got a few to start
1. When I was 18 pulled both my tricep and bicep in each arm, can you spell "overtraining" lol You have no idea how much of a pain in the arse not being able to move your arms more than inch is, simple shit like eating and drinking became so frickin hard. Took a course of muscle relaxers and about 2 weeks to heal before i was mobile enough to scratch my nose and jerk off again.
2. Blacked out while doing squats, the rack caught the bar and the wall caught my head....
3. Oh yeh mate shit him self while doing hvy squats, never laughed so much in my fuckin life. Dirty bastard ended up leaving his soiled pants in the toilet
(Sigh) memories.
I've got a few to start
1. When I was 18 pulled both my tricep and bicep in each arm, can you spell "overtraining" lol You have no idea how much of a pain in the arse not being able to move your arms more than inch is, simple shit like eating and drinking became so frickin hard. Took a course of muscle relaxers and about 2 weeks to heal before i was mobile enough to scratch my nose and jerk off again.
2. Blacked out while doing squats, the rack caught the bar and the wall caught my head....
3. Oh yeh mate shit him self while doing hvy squats, never laughed so much in my fuckin life. Dirty bastard ended up leaving his soiled pants in the toilet
(Sigh) memories.