I have issues about my back & squats, but starting w/ a box squat is helping me a lot knowing I have a bail-out if I buckle or get a spasm. Though if I'm stuck sitting, I still sort of look around to see if anyone looks like they know how to spot just in case.
Here's one place where the not knowing actually freaked me out worse -- working w/ the trainer who won't tell you how many reps he expects you to do -- but just keeps counting. I fuckin hate that. He says if you know how many reps you are doing, then you cheat yourself out of any more that you could've done. Which is bullshit in my mind because if I have a rough target then I know roughly where I'm trying to get to - I usually know how much I can do within a few of the total amount I can do. But if I have this guy who randomly pushes beyond what I am mentally focused on, I actually developed huge anxiety. Its a mental thing, but that's where I need that amount of control to focus on achieving the next rep and not worrying about someone else's percieved view of how many reps I can handle.