The arousal-performance relationship is something we all have experience with, though you may have never heard it explained. Briefly it means that if you are totally relaxed and mellow your ability to perform any sort of difficult task, mental or physical, will be less than optimal. However, is you're slightly anxious about it then your performance will actually improve. But if the anxiety level continues to rise your peformance will begin to steadily deteriorate.
Last night I was pondering my personal experience with the effect of mild anxiety on athletic peformance. I think I've noticed the effect most on squats.
If I stand in front of the squat rack too long and keep thinking through my first workset I begin to get so nervous that I really struggle on the first several reps. I feel both weaker and less coordinated. But if I limit the amount of mental prep and just get in there and do it the difference in performance is substantial.
I was really curious what experience everyone else was had regarding nerves and athletic performance. When do you notice it most? How do you control it and make the anxiety work for you?
Last night I was pondering my personal experience with the effect of mild anxiety on athletic peformance. I think I've noticed the effect most on squats.
If I stand in front of the squat rack too long and keep thinking through my first workset I begin to get so nervous that I really struggle on the first several reps. I feel both weaker and less coordinated. But if I limit the amount of mental prep and just get in there and do it the difference in performance is substantial.
I was really curious what experience everyone else was had regarding nerves and athletic performance. When do you notice it most? How do you control it and make the anxiety work for you?