I was just on goheavy.com looking on there debate section, and i just read the best shit talking ever. let me just put this way:
Scot Mendelson and Glen Chabot
Jamie Harris and Bill Crawford
Mendelson is calling out jamie harris and bill crawford to a bench off in daytona in september. mendelson was talking a whole bunch of shit about jamie harris BADDDDDDDDDD! and KING of THE BENCH posted back with a little bit of shit talkin himself!
You guys need to go to goheavy.com and check it out mendelson posted under mendy or something like that.
Scot Mendelson and Glen Chabot
Jamie Harris and Bill Crawford
Mendelson is calling out jamie harris and bill crawford to a bench off in daytona in september. mendelson was talking a whole bunch of shit about jamie harris BADDDDDDDDDD! and KING of THE BENCH posted back with a little bit of shit talkin himself!
You guys need to go to goheavy.com and check it out mendelson posted under mendy or something like that.