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What in the name of God is this supposed to mean, exactly? Did I ever say I'm super strong? Did I ever claim to be the strongest? I never said I was special, nor that I was strong, or the strongest. I never claimed any such thing. Nor did I ever clam that being "strong' (which I do not consider myself to be) makes me more special than others.There's always someone stronger and bigger than you, just sayin.
I don't find it amusing when people put words in my mouth, and I don't appreciate your comment, quite frankly. If I wanna say I'm special or strong, I'll say it directly, and there won't be any doubt about what I wanted to say. And I don't need you to be putting words in my mouth. Please don't take this the wrong way, but what you're doing is not alright. I never made any such claims. And if my post sounds like I'm implying such a thing, then you read it wrong. I'm just letting out some steam. I'm quite adorable when you get to know me

Yeah, today a guy asked me for a spot, I know him, I said sorry, I really have to concentrate. Nah it wasn't that hard, really. The truth is, they're all nice dudes, and I'm worried that me saying no to a spot is gonna make me seem, well...full of myself, and I don't want them to think that of me. Which is why I find it ironic that people above just accused me of thinking I'm special/full of myself, because that is really far from the truth,and the one thing that prevented me from saying no to spot/other things was exactly that. I'm not that guy. But the naked truth is that such things take a toll on my concentration, I really can't afford when I'm peaking for a competition, which I am right now. But ok, I took your advice, worked fine. Thanks.There are many people out there that are stronger than you, and most probably don't compete... You seem a bit full of yourself- as if your agenda is more important than that of others...
Benchers will need spots so they don't crush themselves under the bar while they are 'pushing their ultimate limits of strength', unlike weightrlifing or pretty any other lift you can bail on...
Anywho... Just say no.. What's so hard about that?...t
Oh yeah, about pushing your strength limits and bailing a lift...I have the impression that you are implying that bailing a lift is shameful. If you aren't implying that, then everything's fine, I misunderstood. BUT....If you *are* implying that, then my response is the following. If you think it's a pussy move to bail a lift, put 1,000 pounds on the bench, and try benching it without spotters. And then go choke. Pride and ego are poor substitutes for intelligence. Even the weakest people have the balls to get under 500 pounds of weight with 5 spotters backing them up. Takes more balls to lift alone mate. Sorry, but it's the truth. If this offends you, well...your problem.
When I lift, it's bloody obvious it's hard and you'd have to be blind and deaf not to notice it. Your experiences are actually quite correct, but this time you're wrong. Some people really just don't care, and that's what bothers me. Asking for a spot? Ok, no problem...but choose a more appropriate time maybe? I can't be available 24/7 for that stuff, and some people do *not* understand that. Some people think I'm always up for it. I'm not. Sometimes I'm going for a personal record and shitting my pants thinking about whether I'll make it or not. My heart is racing before I even touch the bar, because I know what's going down in a minute or so. I don't wanna be spotting anyone at such a time, or checking out their snatch or good morning technique. Not to mention there's like at least a dozen people at any one time they could ask for a spot. Why bother someone who is going for a PR? I'd never do that. But others do not seem to have any tact. And it's not cute any longer.In my experience, guys who really are busting their ass and super occupied with their work outs don't get asked to spot. Normally, people ask the guy who looks like he takes longer breaks between sets or isn't in that much of a hurry.
You want to portray yourself as being so much into the mental part of your workout, the psych, and the concentration, that you don't have time to give someone a spot, but really this whole story is sounding like a bunch of BS. And then you digress into your whole rant about how cool weightlifters are compared to powerlifters. Give me a fuckin break.
Spot people when you get the occasional request. Who knows you might even make some friends. You're not that special dude.
Btw, I don't want this to degenerate into a weightlifting vs. powerlifting discussion, 2 completely different sports, so why discuss it? If I made the impression that I have something against powerlifting, then I do apologize. It wasn't my intention to diss powrerlifting just to be "cool" or whatever. Although, to be fair, I did sound like it, so I do owe you an apology. Sorry about that, I'm letting out some steam, and obviously I stepped on your toes while doing it, so I do apologize. I already said several times I got nothing against powerlifting. And that's the truth. I respect anyone who gives their best, whether they are lifting 100 or 500 lbs. BUT...my PRs come before your PRs. And that's the way it's supposed to be.
That's why I won't bother anyone going for a PR because I want to see him succeed at it and not bother him while he focuses, and congratulate him afterwards if he succeeds. And a few words of consolation if he fails as well. Heck, you won't make every PR. I know about that shit.
So please, PLEASE don't take it the wrong way....I'm not special, I'm not strong, I'm not the strongest, in fact I'm weak as fuck, I'm a pussy for crying out loud....but I take my training seriously.
Oh and today, I did make a few PRs because I actually started to focus more and spot less (well ok it was one guy asking but still...PRs! I made them!

Sounds like youre a grumpy unpleasant person.
I admit I can be like that sometimes, but most of the time not. I'm peaking for competition, lifting in front a home crowd in 3 weeks, competing for a medal as well. And trying to break PRs at this point as well. I am a bit on edge, yes, that is true. But I got reasons for being a bit grumpy. I admit there's pressure to perform well as I am lifting in front of a home crowd.
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