Gladiola said:I'm doing chest tonight & still have no freaking idea how to use my lats. I grasp the concept but I don't really know how to flex my lats, so I can't very well utilize them in my bench. I also have no idea how legs are supposed to come into play.
To use your lats when you bench...its something you just have to FEEL to understand. Reading it wont do it for you. But here goes. First thing you can do is some lat pulldowns....just so you know what your lats feel like when they are flared out. Then when you are benching have someone do some vibration work.....they should quickly and lightly tap the bar while you are lowering it and raising it....this will cause you to instinctively flex your lats...and you will FEEL what is is supposed to be like.
Another thing that you can do is take a mini band and double it...then put it around your wrists while you bench...this causes you to force your hands out "pull the bar apart" which activates the lats the way you want it.
NOW...using your legs to bench. When you set up to bench...set your legs like you were gonna squat. A very firm base. All your weight should be on your upper back and traps...with your legs driving back...parallel to the floor. The more force you have driving you into the bench...then more force you can transfer into the bar.
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