Deleted member 33117
I've just started dieting down for a photo shoot, and am wondering and the yohimbe hcl I'm about to add to my stack. I've read some research which suggests that yohimbe increases insulin response to any food eaten while it is in your system. Clearly even a small spike in insulin can throw you out of ketosis, but shouldn't one be ok if no carbs are eaten before or after taking the yohimbe? Even though protien causes some insulin response, it should be minimal if during the same time period I keep my fat intake between 70% and 80% of my calories. I would be most greatful for advice from anyone having more information on this. If it helps my current stack is fairly simple. Just using tren (may stack in some test enathate if my labido becomes a problem). Will stack in t3 & the yohimbe next week. No clen, it doesn't agree with me. Using basic suppliments: vitamins, omega-3's,ephedra, melatonin, might throw in some r-ala.