Steve I think you are a good guy so to don't take this is an insult, BUT this demonization of dairy products is something I don't agree upon.
I don't think dairy is nearly as bad for your health as you make it out to be and I think you are giving it a bad rap.
the difference is in Europe your dairy industry is completely different than in the USA
in the USA our cows are abused, given a horrible diet, injected with hormones, and live miserable lives. << read that story, that is the norm. so i shun the entire dairy industry
also our yogurt, even at health food stores, are compeltely pasteurized and contains added sugars. americans won't consume actual plain yogurt.
it is the same thing with our meats, eggs, etc.
I do consume cheese on occasion, but ONLY from europe.. not american cheese. with meat i will get organic grassfed, and with eggs i buy humane friendly.
it is the same logic with italian food. in the USA they smother it with canola or hydrogenated oils why? cause it is cheaper. in Italy they use authentic real olive oil. that is why i don't mess with Italian food but someone on the forum living in Italy eats it all the time with no problems.