well sat was my birthday so i went all out and put togeher a pretty impressive cheat....
I woke up and had 4 chocalte chip pancakes loaded with butter 4 sausage links some mapley syrup and whip cream on top.
box of captin crunch
qt of vanniall ice cream
half a cake
9 chocalte chip cookies
big mac value meal
large coke
snickers bar
22 oz prime rib
back potaot loaded with sour cream
bowl of clam chowder
big grab of fritos
bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
2 cinnamon raisen bagels loaded with cream cheese
slice of pizza
6 pack of beer
straburt jellybeans
gummi bears
large pop corn at the movies with extra butter
12 choalcalte and carmeal turtels best candy ever"
eXACT POST FROM THIS SITE..............See, someone stop the madness over there............