I'm not down in the dumps per se. Just rehashing some old problems that I should have addressed a long time ago and trying to be a better person. Not to ohers, but to myself.
I'm not down in the dumps per se. Just rehashing some old problems that I should have addressed a long time ago and trying to be a better person. Not to ohers, but to myself.
This board IS a very good place to vent, good thinking. Let's you get your head around concepts without hurting those you live with or hang with. We're real people, have opinions, but you don't have to live with us
Kenny Rogers said, "And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."
and that is the best any of us can hope for.
and btw- Shup Ma. don't try that crap on me. i did work in a cancer ward. so kma.
You're only 20 years old. You don't know shit yet. No offense. Come back to me in 20 years when you've experienced the worst life has to offer. I'm fine.
This is one of my biggest fears. I'm like Ulacaster. I can't stand the thought of people handling my dead body. I bet I'll look like shit, I'd rather just be obliterated with nothing left to find.