Mine is for decoration only these days. From a biological standpoint it would suck... I hope I never face that situation. If you live long enough then your body shuts down anyhow so if you do choose a life partner make sure she can carry on a conversation.
Mine is for decoration only these days. From a biological standpoint it would suck... I hope I never face that situation. If you live long enough then your body shuts down anyhow so if you do choose a life partner make sure she can carry on a conversation.
I should have made this a poll. I don't think I'd want to live without my penis. We are only here to procreate. (biologically that is) It's what drives us.
Mine is for decoration only these days. From a biological standpoint it would suck... I hope I never face that situation. If you live long enough then your body shuts down anyhow so if you do choose a life partner make sure she can carry on a conversation.
I don't want to live that long. We weren't meant to. People used to live a little longer than 40 years before science and medicine began extending our lives past what nature intended.
Mine is for decoration only these days. From a biological standpoint it would suck... I hope I never face that situation. If you live long enough then your body shuts down anyhow so if you do choose a life partner make sure she can carry on a conversation.