Bro, Absolutly a true story. I almost married this girl that had shot herself with a 357 W/ a hollow point (Point Blank) apparently when she was only 15 Y.O. she thought she was Pregnant and KaPlow!!! (Crazy Bitch) see she always told me that she did it playing w/ her dads gun as a teen and it was an accident. but as time passed by and I started meeting people that knew her I eventually found out the truth (Even tho she would never admit to it) She had a big scar that dented in like 1/2 inch and apx 5" in diameter. not to mention numerous other scars from having a kidney transplant and hooked into life support for a month while in a coma. She was 21 when I met her, and believe it or not she was Drop Dead Georgous (No Pun Intended) I mean absolutly Beautiful, Anyway she ended up having alot of issues (Go Figure)