Andystal03 said:
Height: 6'1-6'2
Weight: 165ish LBS
BF: No Idea
My stomach/chest isn't very "tight". It looks fat but really, its not that bad. I'm just looking for stuff I can do at home to help tighten it some.
Im temporarily in the same position as you (no gym available). There are some good things you can do without a bench for your chest. These include box press ups (press ups using your kness as pivot points on the ground), press ups, A style press ups (imagine your body making an upside down 'v' shape with hips at the point so you come down onto your head), and headstand push-ups.
For dips you can use 2 chairs. Place yourself between them, legs out straight.
You can usually find a store that stocks chin-up bars you can screw into the doorway frame. (not expensive) - or google for it. If you cant manage full chins to begin use a chair. There are a tonne of variations you can use on a chin up bar!
If you can, get some dumbells for bicep curl (if not, chins do biceps anyway).
For legs you can do squats, jumping squats, and jumping squats holding dumbells. You can also do one legged squats (no weight needed).
Calves - again use dumbells, or just do one calf at a time using body weight.
You can easily add weight to some of the above by sticking a 10 or 30lb plate in a rucksack.
That all said and done, it sounded as tho you were keen on getting your abs into shape. I got excellent results from doing very controlled crunches in a 5 reps, 10 sec break, 10 reps, 5 second break - all the way up to 30... but it may be easiest to start off doing sit ups throwing hands forward, then as you advance, cross your hands on your chest, then hold hands by side of your head, then add weights in your hands/on chest.
Assertive Guy