New member
He's a fat piece of shit and fuck anyone who agrees with anything he stands for
Bowling for Columbine was fairly interesting for a few reasons.
For starters, he grew up hunting and target shooting in MI and is a lifetime due-paying NRA member, so he's not anti-gun at all.
He visits neighborhoods in MI and interviews people, then crosses over to whatever Canadian city is across the pond and and does the same thing. In CA he finds that nobody locks their doors and walks right into homes without knocking and the people still invite him in and answer his questions.
He goes to CO and interviews people from Littleton as well as one of the creators of South Park, who is from there, and goes on a rant about what a shithole of a city it is, and how kids take high school way too seriously. Which is funny, since HS really is the most insignificant thing you'll ever do in your life.
In the end, after interviewing people from all gun friendly countries in the US, Canada and EU, he finally concedes that he can't figure out why Americans are killing each other at such an astronomical rate compared the rest of the free world.
His 9/11 doc, which I've never seen, was the one that started to make a name for himself as a loud mouth douche.