Penis envy? You've got to be kidding!!!!!!!
I thank God I don't have one of those things hanging between my legs rubbing
a blister on me.
I can't hardly stand a kotex between my legs.
No lol, not having a real penis, just freuds explanation of the phallic stage of development at around 4years old and how it can affect women:
A little girl becomes aware that she does nto have a penis, thinks it a very valuable thing to have, and becomes especially attracted to her father b/c of his posession of this organ. Thus, she competes with her mother for her fathers affections. At the same time, she becomes anxious and represses her ambivalent feelings. Eventually she identifies with her mother, but she cannot resolve her PENIS ENVY until she grows up and gives birth to a son "who brings the longed-for penis with him" (apparently the woman who never has children or is blessed with only daughteers is doomed to suffer penis envy her entire life) Freud maintained that little girls never COMPLETELY overcome penis envy (so that females are left generally envious and suffering from low self esteem), and that they do not resolve phallic stage as well as little boys.
Freuds theories are controversial maily b/c theyre from a different era, but still his theories are the most validated by research.