Do not feel bad or beat yourself up that you are finding this "challenge" hard , because it is DAMN HARD. I think trying to lose weight and watch what you eat is harder than trying to stop smoking or drinking. With those vices , they are not "required" , you can stop completely and that's it. But we
have to eat to live , which means we are faced with the decision of what to put in our mouths/bodies every waking moment of the day.
I have lost 23lbs and have at least another 60lbs to go , and some days I just want to quit , I look at everyone around me taking no thought as to what they are going to eat , or if they are even going to the gym that day , and think to myself "it isn't fair" !
But then I snap out of it and tell myself , I am doing this for
ME and no one else. I want to Feel better , I want to Live longer , and I want to LOOK better!
You can and will find the strength do this , because you have to , you have to take care of yourself. That is what it is all about "SB taking
Value in herself" , and doing what needs to be done.