Gambino said:cause you're afraid of getting dissed...your afraid she'll laugh at you. Just compliement her on what she is wearing, how her hair looks. Say something like "damn, your hair sure looks good." Don't come across as desperate or horny...don't ask me why I keep responding to your threads, I have giving you sound advice, yet you never so much as even aknowledge my attempt at help. I'm not a playa, but I do alright, wtf don't you listen?
im sorry, i didnt know i was ignoring you. thanks for the advice that you have been giving though, it definately is good to see other peoples perspectives, and i definately need to acknowledge you guys more.
sometimes when I ask something, it doesnt mean im going to go out and do something, but just that i am curious to know about how things would go, etc.
i wish you could just straight up tell a girl that she was beautiful.