My hubby says, "If you can touch 'em and taste 'em then THEY ARE REAL!"
I would always say, "Yea mine are real.... REAL FAKE, THAT IS." If ya'll had seen my pre-surgery boobies you would have handed me a few bucks and told me to save up. They looked THAT BAD after nursing four children.
Why should I care if another woman goes and makes herself look silly with a bad boob job? As for a good boob job, if she is a grown woman, than I say good for her!
hell i love looking at a nice set of tits whether they are fake or natural who gives a crap? why would i care? the better looking they are, the more enjoyable to look at. does this make me gay? not sure. but i do like a nice set of sweet titties. especially if the nipples are nice.
I dont hate other woman with fake tits...Being one of the people in the percentage of small boobage I can understand why they have gotten fake ones...there is nothing wrong with artificial boobies